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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: April 15, 2008 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. _~ (? <br />SUBJECT: Evans and Bond Award for Outstanding Toxicity Reduction Program <br />DEPARTMENT: Orange County Manager PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Background Memo to County Manager Monica C. Evans, MPA Intern, <br />Manager's Office, 245-2128 <br />PURPOSE: To recognize the Solid Waste Management Department for its efforts in reducing <br />hazardous waste in Orange County and to commend the department for receiving the 2007 Bill <br />Evans and Carol Bond Award for Outstanding Toxicity Reduction. <br />BACKGROUND: The Evans and Bond Award, named for two people active in reducing <br />hazardous wastes, is given annually on a competitive basis by the Carolina Recycling <br />Association. This award recognizes an exceptional program or business that is dedicated to <br />toxicity reduction. Orange County recently received this award based on Solid Waste's Toxicity <br />Reduction Improvements Program (T.R.I. P.). <br />The following selection criteria are used to determine the award recipient: <br />• Type of program and funding <br />• Financial highlights, such as the cost per pound, cost per household, etc. <br />• Creative problem solving to municipality or business hazardous waste problems <br />Orange County's T. R.I.P. has been operating, in some capacity since 1991. Highlights of the <br />program include: <br />• A permanent hazardous household waste collection site, which is also open to small <br />business, that is open six days a week at the landfill <br />• Six locations to drop-off residentially generated electronics for recycling, including one <br />spot at the landfill where businesses may also drop-off electronics at no cost <br />• Six locations, including the landfill and five convenience centers for residential drop-off of <br />motor oil, oil filters, antifreeze and all types of batteries <br />• Five additional retail locations for deposit of old dry cell batteries. <br />• Cooperation with the semi-annual collection of electronics at Research Triangle Park <br />where Orange County accepts mercury, phones and batteries for recycling. <br />