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-/ 9'_ .2 015 <br /> G T' <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> SECOND EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> THIS SECOND EMPLOYEMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT, ("Amendment") made and entered into <br /> this the 17th day of June, 2014, by and between Orange county, a political subdivision of the State of <br /> North Carolina, hereinafter called "County", party of the first part, and Donna Baker hereinafter called <br /> "Employee", party of the second part: <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WHEREAS, the County and Employee entered into an Employment Agreement dated June 15, 2010 and <br /> amended on June 18, 2013, for services as Clerk to the Board of the County government, (hereinafter <br /> the "Amended Agreement"); and <br /> WHEREAS, the County and Employee desire to amend the Amended Agreement, while keeping in <br /> effect all terms and conditions of the Amended Agreement not inconsistent with the terms and <br /> conditions set forth below. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration for the mutual covenants and agreements made herein, <br /> the parties agree to amend the Amended Agreement as follows: <br /> SECTION 3: SUSPENSION <br /> A. County may suspend Employee without pay and benefits at any time during the term of <br /> employment, but only if a majority of the Board votes to suspend Employee for cause, provided, <br /> however, that Employee shall have been given written notice setting forth any charges and/or <br /> allegations at least ten (10) days prior thereto by the Board members bringing such charges and/or <br /> allegations. The County may suspend the employee with pay at any time. Prior to the implementation <br /> of any suspension Employee shall be given an opportunity to respond to the charges and/or allegations <br /> in a closed session meeting with the Board. <br /> B. For purposes of this Agreement cause shall include misconduct as defined in G.S. 96-14.6, whether <br /> such misconduct occurs on or off the job, any felonious act committed by Employee, or an act <br /> punishable under the "reasons of personal conduct" section of Chapter 28 of the Orange County Code <br /> of Ordinances. <br /> SECTION 7:SALARY <br /> Employee will be paid a base annualized salary of$96,000.00, payable on the same schedule as for <br /> other County employees. Changes to Employee's compensation shall be administered in a manner <br /> similar to other county employees subject to an evaluation process administered by the Board of <br /> County Commissioners. If Employee is to receive a salary adjustment equal to adjustments received by <br /> all county employees such adjustment, in the form of an increase, may be granted without amendment <br /> to this Employment Agreement. If Employee's salary adjustment is in the form of a decrease or an <br /> increase greater than that of all county employees, such adjustment must be in the form of an <br /> amendment to this Employment Agreement. <br />