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ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> Minutes of Orange County Board of Commissioners Retreat <br /> January 10, Southern Human Services, Chapel Hill, NC <br /> Present: Valerie Foushee, Chair. Commissioners: Alice Gordon, Pam Hemminger, Barry <br /> Jacobs, Mike Nelson, Bernadette Pelissier and Steve Yuhasz. Manager: Laura Blackmon; Clerk <br /> tot the Board: Donna Baker. Attorney: Geof Gledhill. Facilitators: Lydian Altman and Donna <br /> Warner, UNC-CH School of Government. Assistant managers and department heads were <br /> present from noon to 4:00 p.m. <br /> Retreat Outcomes <br /> 1. Prepared the board to make budget decisions at the January 29th budget meeting by <br /> reviewing current county functions and services, sharing historical information about <br /> the revenues, expenditures, explaining the budget process, and providing a list of <br /> funding considerations and guidelines for the FY 2009-10 budget <br /> 2. Identified priorities fo. the 2009-2010 budget and created a draft work plan. <br /> 3. Gained agreement on ways to improve board decision-making by streamlining county <br /> board meetings and agendas. <br /> Highlights from Overview of Revenue Projections <br /> Donna Coffey, budget director, shared the following information: ' <br /> 1. As shared with the Board in September, there is about a $20 million gap estimated <br /> between FY 2009-10 projected revenues and expenditures. <br /> 2. Property tax accounts for 70% of the revenues for county operations. It is likely this <br /> source will remain stable for the upcoming year. <br /> 3. Sales tax comprises 10% and is estimated to reduce due to the constraints on spending <br /> imposed by the economic downturn. <br /> 4. Intergovernmental transfers (funds from the state and the feds) accounts for 10%. The <br /> county could experience a decrease in funds from the state. The feds are considering <br /> funding "shovel ready" programs. <br /> 5. Fees for services are 10Y6 and may be reduced. <br /> 6. Working with other counties: The NC Association of County Commissioners is working <br /> with counties to determine ways to reduce the counties' dependence on property tax <br /> and increase options for generating revenues. <br /> Expenditures <br /> 1. School funding. Currently 51% of the county budget supports local schools and <br /> Durham Technical Community College. The board discussed how funding levels were <br /> set and learned that in 200 the board of commissioners met with the school board and <br /> agreed to a target of 48.1%. The following options were discussed for determining <br /> funding for schools by.tying funding to: <br /> a. Annual increase in real property valuations <br /> b. Consumer price index <br /> l ' <br />