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Orange County Government <br />• Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Policy <br />In identifying the language assistance initiatives needed that are consistent with the underlying <br />goal of this policy, it is reasonable to focus on those Departments within Orange County <br />government that have the greatest potential for interaction with the LEP population, that involve <br />vital exchange of information affecting provisions of service, and that grant a benefit or <br />imposition of a burden on the LEP population. Orange County government services can be <br />grouped into five categories based generally on the nature, purpose, and consequences of their <br />interaction with the general public and/or LEP populations. <br />(A) Departments whose primary mission is to serve the internal management and <br />administrative needs of County government. The interaction of these Departments <br />with the LEP population is infrequent and secondary to services that they perform. <br />(B) Departments whose mission is to service the policy needs of County Government. <br />These Departments either are not dependent on their interaction with the public or <br />historical data suggest that they have not significant involvement with the LEP <br />population. <br />(C) Departments whose primary mission or focus is the provision of services, <br />information, or assistance to third parties. These Department s have the potential for <br />serving significant LEP populations. <br />(D) Departments whose mission or focus is to serve the legal, investigative, and policy <br />needs of County Government in a manner that involves (and in some cases is <br />• dependent upon) interactions with the public, including predictable and periodic <br />interactions with identifiable LEP. <br />(E) Departments whose mission or primary function is to exercise supervision and control <br />over special populations known to contain significant numbers of LEP individuals. <br />Criteria: <br />To determine what reasonable steps were necessary to develop a policy that provides LEP <br />persons with "meaningful access" to County programs and services, a number of factors should <br />be reviewed: <br />(1 } The number of or proportion of LEP persons in Orange County -Departments should <br />look at the number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or encountered <br />by the recipient in carrying out its operation. The greater the number or proportion <br />of LEP persons, the more likely language services are needed; <br />(2) The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with the program - <br />Departments should assess, as accurately as possible, the frequency of contact with <br />eligible LEP persons. The more frequent the contact, the more need for the <br />language service. Departments should consider if with appropriate outreach to LEP <br />persons, the frequency of contacts will increase usage by the LEP group; <br />