P-0185 - Orange County Government Limited English Proficiency Policy 12-11-2001
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P-0185 - Orange County Government Limited English Proficiency Policy 12-11-2001
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Last modified
1/15/2009 9:13:44 AM
Creation date
12/30/2008 4:21:00 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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• POLICY FOR INSERTION INTO THE POLICY MANUAL <br />MEETING DATE: December 1 1, 2001 NUMBER: P:0185 <br />EFFECTNE DATE: December 11, 2001 REVISIONS: <br />POLICY: Orange County Government Limited English Proficiency <br />(LEP) Policy <br />Orange County is committed to improving the accessibility of services to persons with <br />limited English proficiency (LEP) and to developing and implementing a system that gives <br />LEP persons "meaningful access" to Orange County programs and services. <br />Purpose <br />To eliminate or reduce to the maximum extent possible limited English proficiency as a barrier <br />or impediment to accessing core service in Orange County Government. <br />Background <br />• There has been a dramatic and rapid influx of new immigrants into Orange County who have <br />Limited English Proficiency (L.EP). For these new community members language can be a <br />barrier to accessing services or benefits, understanding and exercising their rights, and other <br />information and that may leave them vulnerable. Recognizing this, Orange County has <br />designated eliminating barriers and access to programs and services to the LEP community as an <br />important goal. <br />Additionally, on August 16, 2000, the President signed Executive Order 13166, mandating that <br />all federal agencies ensure that they and their recipients of federal aid improve access to <br />services to the LEP population. The attached policy was drafted to support the goal and be in <br />compliance with the Executive Order and its policy implementation guidance. The policy as <br />well as the Executive Order provides no new rights or benefits but clarify existing Title VI2 <br />responsibilities and set forth the steps necessary to ensure "meaningful access" to services by the <br />LEP community. <br />` Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance from discriminating <br />against or otherwise excluding individuals on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any of their activities <br />Section 601of Title VI, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d. <br />
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