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The Implementation Recommendations section of the report uses the direction provided by the <br />• Board to propose a means of formalizing this program. Using four operating principles as a <br />guide, this section recommends that the Lands Legacy program have the following linchpins: <br />t <br />• The Lands Legacy program would be coordinated and administered as a County program, <br />under the existing statutory authority held by counties in N.C. The Soil and Water District <br />Board could be invited to participate in the holding of agricultural conservation easements, if <br />desired. The other land management options that are multi-jurisdictional or more-complex <br />(County local government land trust or Open Space Authority) will continue to be evaluated <br />over the next few years, and will require lengthy future discussion among multiple parties <br />along with inter-local agreements and resolution of other complicated issues. <br />• A number of funding options are laid out for the Board's consideration, with the <br />understanding that aggressive application for outside (grant) funding will be pursued. <br />Opportunities for joint ventures with other local governments, authorities and land trusts <br />would also be explored whenever possible. <br />• An Annual Action Plan is proposed as the mechanism for generating annual priorities and <br />reporting on activities in the previous year. This Action Plan, to be prepared each December <br />for the Board's retreat, would involve input from the relevant advisory boards.into priorities, <br />which would then be decided by the Board. The role of advisory boards in the Lands Legacy <br />process is also addressed. An Interim Action Plan to cover the period from the present <br />through June, 2001 is proposed to be developed. <br />• Policies for land stewardship, use and access and public outreach are also addressed in the <br />proposal <br />Two sections of the document remain incomplete. The exploration. of potential resource land <br />acquisitions through the development process is underway between the ERCD and Planning <br />Departments, and a report on this method of land acquisitions is anticipated to be completed in <br />May. A new set of criteria for farmland acquisitions is being developed by staff, using a points <br />system based on programs in Durham and Forsyth Counties, and is also expected in May. <br />A resolution that would implement the Lands Legacy program along the lines in the proposed <br />report is attached. Since the first Annual Action Plan would not be developed until December, <br />the Board could also direct staff to develop an Interim Action Plan for the period from the <br />present through June, 2001. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The financial impact of engaging in the Lands Legacy land acquisition <br />program will depend on the degree and speed of implementation. Existing funding sources, <br />along with potential future sources and bond referenda, are suggested as option for the Board's <br />consideration. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board address any changes or <br />additional directions desired for the Lands Legacy program, discuss the potential funding <br />options, and adopt the attached resolution making this program a part of County policy, and <br />direct staff to develop an Interim Action Plan for the period from the present through June, <br />2001. Staff will report back on the two incomplete areas of the document in May, for potential <br />inclusion into the program at that time. <br />