Orange County NC Website
~. <br />• <br />POLICY FOR INSERTION INTO THE POLICY MANUAL <br />MEETING DATE: March 6, 2002 NUMBER: P0125 <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: March 6, 2002 REVISIONS: <br />POLICY: Commissioner Requests for Information from County Staff <br />APPROVED <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Proposed Guidelines for <br />Commissioner Requests for Information from County Staff <br />Purpose: To establish guidelines for Commissioners and staff for addressing individual <br />• Commissioner's requests for information, reports, memoranda, or similar information <br />from County staff. The Board of Commissioners' interests in establishing these <br />guidelines are as follows: <br />To clarify for Commissioners and staff when requests should be addressed to the <br />Manager or department head or when the request may require the full Board's <br />consideration. <br />On behalf of the full Board, to assure there is an opportunity to consider as a Board, <br />Commissioner requests that will involve significant staff time and impact existing goals <br />and priorities. <br />While acknowledging the Manager and staff's willingness to respond to Commissioners <br />requests, to assure that there is opportunity in the process for appropriate consideration - <br />by the Manager or, as necessary, by the Board - of priorities and any need for re- <br />prioritization. <br />Note: In the instance of Commissioners' requests to the Clerk to the Board, the Board <br />has in place protocols for working with the Clerk. This procedure does not apply to <br />requests to the Clerk to the Board except as such requests involve the Clerk obtaining <br />information from County departments. In such case the Clerk addresses the request to <br />the Manager. <br />• <br />