Orange County NC Website
prioritized recommendations to the County Manager and Board for consideration during the <br />annual budget process. This will include education efforts with the building occupants. <br />• In terms of specific building implementation of the heating and air conditioning standards set out <br />Our hope is that conservation will become second nature for all of us. Making this happen will <br />require communication and support for, and from, employees from their very first day as a <br />County employee until their last day before retirement. <br />in the Energy Conservation Policy, the plan is to pursue this effort also building by building. In <br />this, let me assure you that you will have advance notice and opportunity for discussion of any <br />changes to be made in your building and opportunity to provide feedback on any specific <br />problem areas in the building heating and air conditioning. It is our goal to provide a <br />comfortable work environment as well as an energy efficient one and Public Works and the <br />Energy Team will need your assistance to assure this happens. <br />We look forward to working with each of you and your staff as we "go green and save green" in <br />Orange County! <br />C. <br />• <br />