Orange County NC Website
<br />C~ <br />J <br />• <br />. ~ ~~~. - <br />2 <br />2. Ask builders to submit a response to a checklist of energy saving <br />features for new homes and subdivision developments including caulking <br />and weatherstripping, insulation, siting and design, landscaping, trans- <br />portation routes and potential for alternative transportation (i.e., <br />bicycles, etc.) - <br />Inspections: <br />1. Ensure compliance with the energy part of the N_ C. Uniform Residential <br />and State Building Code. <br />2. Attend seminars on energy-efficient and renewable energy construction. <br />Agricultural Extension Service: - <br />1. Continue to develop programs,. seminars, and/or fairs to inform residents <br />of energy conservation and management techniques and services available. <br />2. Advise farmers on energy efficient farming practices and the potential <br />for developing energy sources on the farm. <br />Schools: <br />1. Continue to implement a conservation program for school buildings and vehicles. <br />2. Make-sure the Energy Conservation Committee in each school is ongoing <br />and active. <br />3. Offer instruction in energy management at each grade level. <br />4. .Incorporate energy information in budget requests where appropriate. <br />Energy Office: <br />1. Consult with other departments, make recommendations and help to imple- <br />ment energy management in county policies ,and procedures. <br />2. Continue to distribute handouts, pamphlets, slide shows, films and other - <br />forms of energy information to county employees. _ <br />3. Advise the Finance O.epartment of energy efficient products which are <br />on the market. <br />4. Establish a system for carpooling or vanpooling for county employees_ <br />5. Provide reports on building energy use to department beads. <br />-6. Provide-staff support for the Orange County Energy •Gommission ~~ - -- <br />and for the Energy Emergency Committee. <br />• <br />