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the current staffing in centers would have to be dropped because the state will <br />not pay to maintain ratios other than those they have established. Also, in <br />. °, ~C'•range'County, most of the certified centers are in churches with small rooms <br />which would cut down on group sizes if the centers adhered to group size ratios. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked the impact this would have on the Community <br />• School for People Under Six on space ratios and adult child ratios. <br />Sue Russell said the state requires we lower the staff-child ratios or <br />the state will not reimburse us. She felt room size ratios should not be <br />honored at the expense of providing a quality program for the children. <br />Commissioner Whitted asked the cost per child ratio per week. The speaker <br />said current rates are $151 per month for children age 3 and above and $168 for <br />children age 2 and under. 'The Day Care Coalition proposes $133 for children age 3 <br />and above, and $176 for children age 2 and under. She said the Department of <br />Human Resources requested the rating from HEW and North Carolina was one of only <br />nine states adhering to these figures. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked for Noblitt's article to be submitted with the <br />Day Care Action Group's critique. He also asked the Board be provided with the <br />current state budget item on day care. Mrs. Bertie Howard said she would have <br />this information for Board review by the end of the-week. <br />Commissioner Willhoit said the Board supported the compromise but needed <br />additional information and data to be able to take this item up at the December <br />Legislative Conference. He suggested getting support from other counties. He <br />also suggested having information ready before November 14th so the Board could <br />discuss this matter with the legislative delegates. <br />Agenda Item 5: Resolution Endorsin Ener Conservation <br />//~ /,~ /, ~/ t roug Controlle T ermostat Settin s <br />6 l~ UU <br />~. Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner 4lillhoit, to ado t <br />P <br />the Resolution Establishing Orange County Energy Policy. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />For copy of said Resolution, see page 772 of this book. <br />Agenda Item 6A: <br />Appointments to Council on Aging <br />Commissioner bJillhoit said he wanted to add another name to the list of <br />nominees to be appointed to the Council on Aging. He said he would ]ike to see a <br />list of the continuing members of the council before making the appointments <br />He asked that this-item be postponed until the ,third Tuesday meeting. <br />Agenda Item 66: <br />Appointments to Governor's Energy Awareness <br />CnnfprPncP <br />Commissioner Whitted asked Commissioner Gustaveson if he would like to recommend;; <br />three persons to attend the conference. Commissioner Gustaveson said he would like <br />to see the following agencies or departments send representatives; 1) Energy <br />Coordinator, 2) JOCCA and 3) Agricultural Extension Homemakers. He suggested <br />Carol Fitzgerald to be the Board's designee to represent the elected official. <br />Commissioner Whitted asked Ms. Fitzgerald to coordinate with the other two <br />agencies and let the proper representative of the Governor's Conference know who <br />will be attending. <br />• Agenda Item 6C: A ointment to Carrboro Plannin Board <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, to appoint <br />Nancy Salmon to the Carrboro Planning Board. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />