Orange County NC Website
Since the energy shortage in 1973-74, we .Americans have become increasingly <br />aware of the vital importance of wise energy management to the welfare of our <br />nation. Our nation's security and its economy both depend on haw yell we resolve <br />difficult questions about energy resources, conservation and costs in the <br />immediate future. .. <br />Many of these questions can be addressed most readily at the local level, <br />by the example and leadership of county government. Therefore, the Orange <br />County Energy Commission has prepared a program for energy manage- <br />ment, conservation and development within Orange County. The energy program <br />consists of five policies and recommendations for their implementatian_ <br />The Energy Commission will review the program annually and <br />submit reports and recommendations to the Orange County Qoard of Commissioners_ <br />• POLICY I. ORANGE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS WILL QE ENERGY EFFICIENT. COUNTY <br />GOVERNMENT WILL INCORPORATE GOOD ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN ITS DAILY <br />ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS. <br />- ~ Each department has already implemented .several ways to carry out this policy._ <br />Other guidelines, by department, are: <br />Public Works: <br />1. .Schedule more efficient routing -and use of sanitation vehicles and <br />other county-operated vehicles. <br />2. Maintain a county motor pool with a record-E:eeping and reporting system <br />on fuel consumption and maintenance. <br />3. Continue to implement energy conservation programs in county buildings <br />and assist the Energy Office in developing accounting or other energy- <br />related repot?ts and programs. <br />Finance: <br />1. Require inclusion of data on energy use i.n bid specifications. <br />2. Document energy cost projections as a factor in purchasing decisions. <br />• Planning: . <br />1. Develop and .implement the energy elements of the Land Use Plan, <br />Sub-division Regulations, and the Zoning Ordinance, and encourage energy <br />efficient development standards and patterns in Orange County including <br />siting, transportation, and more intensive use of conservation and <br />renewable energy resources. <br />