Orange County NC Website
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Conducting a Cultural and Archeological Survey involves hiring a <br />qualified consulting firm. The cost varies considerably due the size of the subject property and <br />the scope of the work, primarily the amount of subsurface investigation that is required. The <br />cost of conducting cultural and archaeological surveys would likely be an expenditure not <br />already factored into the overall cost of a development project (at least in the short term). The <br />proposed policy to require cultural and archaeological surveys would apply to all County <br />development projects, including those conducted by other partners that the County funds, such <br />as new schools. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board consider the attached <br />policy and provide direction to staff, or if deemed adequate, adopt the policy with any changes <br />as needed. <br />z <br />• <br />