Orange County NC Website
,~:~;{ 7 Pact 364 <br />Mr. Gattis advised the Hoard that it was now the time to schedule a <br />meeting of the Board of Equalisation and Review. Discussion .ensued. It was <br />agreed that the Board of Equalization and Review would convene on Monday, <br />May 2A, 1971, at S P.M, in the Commissioners Raom at the Courthouse in <br />Hillsborough. <br />Chairman Hennett brought to the attention of the Board the fact that he <br />had received correspondence relative to proposed legislation. <br />Commissioner William C. Ray brought to the attention of the Board the ~~ <br />fact that Representative Harris of Alamance County had introduced House Bill <br />#663 relating to the annexation of a certain portion of Orange County into the <br />Alamance County School Administrative Unit. Discussion ensued relative to <br />this matter. <br />Upon motion of Commissigner William C. Ray, it was moved that the=-Orange <br />'' County Board of Commissioners go on record as opposing House Bill #663. This <br />motion died for the lack of a second. <br />Commissioner' William C. Ray brought to the attention of the Bard that <br />Senate Bill #411 which dealt with the Governor's Commission on Law and Order <br />being authorized to set a minimum and a maximum salary for all law enforcement <br />personnel was being opppsed by the North Carolina Commissioners Association. <br />Chairman Bennett advised the Board that Senate Bill #443 would amend the <br />Social Services Lien Law. Discussion ensued. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ira A. Ward, seconded by Commissioner Henry <br />Walker, the Clerk was instructed to write Orange County's Representatives <br />in the General Assembly advising them of the Boards opposition to Senate <br />Bill #411 and Senate Bill #443. <br />Commissioner Ray inquired as to what action the Board planned to take <br />about the Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE EXPOSURE TO VIEW <br />THE HUMAN BODY". He Stated that Sheriff Knight was still in favor of adopting <br />the Ordinance because certain ABC laws does not areas such as <br />carnivals and fairs. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner William C. Rays seconded by Commissioner <br />Ira A. Ward, it was moved that the first reading of the Ordinance entitled <br />"AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE EXPOSURE TO VIEW THE HUMAN BODY" be approved <br />and that the public hearing for said Ordinance would be Monday, May 17, 1971, _, <br />at 8 P.M. in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North <br />Carolina. <br />Chairman Bennett called for a vote on the motion. Commissioners William <br />C. Ray and Ira A. Ward voted aye. Commissioners Norman Walker and Henry <br />Walker voted nay. Chairman Bennett broke the tie by voting aye and then <br />declared the motion passed. <br />There being no further busa.ness to come before the Hoard the meeting <br />was adjourned to meet again on Monday, May 10, 1971 and Monday, May 17, 1971. <br />Harvey D. Sennett, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />