Orange County NC Website
• Schools have the latitude to shift funds between major components <br />without prior BOCC approval, providing that the actual cost of the <br />project does not exceed budget. <br />^ Superintendents will provide the County Manager with written <br />project updates at their regular monthly meetings. In turn, the <br />County Manager will provide the Board of County Commissioners <br />with written progress reports related to the project. <br />• Final Accounting Phase <br />^ Upon completion of the project, School and County staff will <br />reconcile actual project expenditures with approved budget and <br />provide the BOCC with a "final accounting" of project. <br />2. Site Standards <br />In accordance with North Carolina State Statutes, a local board of education cannot <br />execute a contract nor expend funds to purchase a facility site without the consent of <br />the local board of county commissioners. As each school system in Orange County <br />plans for future school-related facilities, it is important that they adhere to the <br />following guidelines related to the potential acquisition, either by purchase or <br />donation, of a site, in addition to any siting criteria they may have established <br />internally: <br />• Potential Sites -The Board of Education is to notify the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners, in writing, whenever they have tentatively <br />identified a potential school site for purchase, or if a potential donor <br />indicates interest in donating a site to the system. The written <br />correspondence should provide the following information for <br />Commissioner consideration: <br />• Location, including tax map numbers, of the potential site; <br />• Opportunities for additional facilities to be co-located as a park site, <br />as outlined in the "Memorandum of Agreement for Providing <br />Coordinated Site and Facility Planning"; <br />• The availability of public utilities within the urban services <br />boundaries of the County; <br />• If a donated site: <br />• Any knowledge of a donor's plans for adjacent development; <br />• Special considerations or expectations the donor may have <br />referenced in initial discussions pertaining to the donation; <br />