Orange County NC Website
related to County capital projects/capital investment plan and <br />the County budget adoption process. <br />b. Until a County attorney, replacing Geoffrey E. <br />Gledhill and Coleman, Gledhill, Hargrave & Peek, assumes his or <br />her duties, attending County administrative staff meetings <br />regularly scheduled to review the agenda in preparation for <br />Board of Commissioner meetings. <br />c. Until a County attorney, replacing Geoffrey E. <br />Gledhill and Coleman, Gledhill, Hargrave & Peek, assumes his or <br />her duties, attending Board of Adjustment meetings and any other <br />Board meetings when requested to do so by the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />d. Other legal services as requested from time to <br />time by COUNTY departments and agencies. <br />2. ATTORNEYS shall provide COUNTY with all legal service s <br />at an hourly rate of $175.00. The fee for hourly services shall <br />be payable to ATTORNEYS and the hours of service accounted for <br />by ATTORNEYS as follows: <br />a. The amount equal to the hours billed at the rate <br />of $175 per hour so long as ATTORNEYS provide legal services to <br />COUNTY or until this agreement is modified by the parties. <br />b. ATTORNEYS shall itemize the work done by them <br />and the time devoted by them on a monthly statement and invoice. <br />The first statement and invoice shall include billable hours <br />2 <br />