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8 <br />Geof Gledhill said that the University has offered to extend the lease for Chapel Hill. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this is a good idea, but this is an example of where he <br />has a problem with how the County does a budget. He is going to vote not to do it this fiscal <br />year. He is endorsing it in principle. He thinks it would save trouble to wait until the new <br />building is ready. He suggested putting the $82,000 towards childcare or Medicaid, which the <br />legislature just proposed to cut drastically. <br />Chair Carey asked if it would be less expensive to wait until the new building is ready to <br />move. Gayle Wilson estimated that it would save about $20-25,000 to not use the interim <br />buildings. <br />John Link said that he would like this to be voted upon unanimously, and to wait three <br />weeks to see how this fits into the entire budget process. <br />Chair Carey suggested a vote in principle. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />adopt this change in principle and increase the salaries of the staff to make them permanent, <br />full-time. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday issue and <br />said that there are times when someone has a particular workday that is significant to them, <br />then they can arrange the schedule so that someone else works. This came up on the Martin <br />Luther King, Jr. holiday. He asked Elaine Holmes to work on this so that people can trade hours <br />so that there is no religious, philosophical, or cultural conflict. This usually comes up with EMS, <br />the Sheriffs office, and Solid Waste. <br />Public Works Director Wilbert McAdoo said that they do that now in Public Works. <br />Gayle Wilson said that he is not aware of this being a problem, but he assured the <br />County Commissioners that if there is a hint about someone wanting off for a particular holiday <br />that they feel strongly about, then he will accommodate them. <br />Elaine Holmes will follow up on this. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the convenience centers being closed on <br />Wednesdays and asked about the impact of having them be open on Wednesdays. <br />4. Legal Advertisement for May 23, 2005 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict said that this item was on Tuesday night's agenda, and <br />there was some clarification requested by the County Commissioners. The only public hearing <br />item that is being scheduled for the May 23`d QPH is the Orange County Flood Damage <br />Prevention Ordinance. This will be meeting a legal requirement. The non-public hearing item is <br />regarding the Rural Enterprises Project, and the ad will indicate that it is for discussion purposes <br />only and not a change in zoning. The purpose of the Rural Enterprises Project is to diversify the <br />farm economy and provide some options in the rural areas of the County for people to move <br />past the typical farm uses to provide more income. <br />The majority of the changes to the advertisement is on the gray sheet and has to do with <br />the Orange County Land Use Element Update and the Zoning Text Amendments. Attachment 1 <br />shows that this will be a discussion item on what the land use plan is and some of the growth <br />issues. The advertisement will just mention the six options. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that since the County Commissioners just got this <br />information tonight, she and Craig Benedict worked out some wording on the Rural Enterprises <br />Project. She read the language, which was added to the first paragraph as follows: "The uses <br />proposed range from small-scale farm operations and agri-tourism to larger scale agricultural <br />processing facilities, such as canneries and meat packaging." For the third paragraph, the <br />second sentence will read, "The full scale agenda package for this item is part of the agenda <br />