Minutes - 20050505
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20050505
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Last modified
8/14/2009 3:50:36 PM
Creation date
12/11/2008 2:46:23 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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5 <br />• In 1993, several people urged the Board of County Commissioners to read task force <br />meeting minutes. He would like a copy of these minutes. <br />• Commissioner Wilhoit spoke about multiple member districts and he would like information <br />about this. <br />• Artie Franklin wrote a column about super blocks, and he would like some information <br />about this. <br />• There was information provided in 1992, and since then, two of the counties changed their <br />method of electing commissioners and went from at-large to district. He would like to <br />know why they did this -this was in Edgecombe and Jackson Counties. It looks like <br />Northhampton County went from district to at-large. He would like to find out what <br />counties changed and talk to a County Commissioner that is serving now that they can <br />talk to about this. <br />• He wants to make sure that when they look at permutations, that a voter gets to vote for a <br />majority of the County Commissioners. <br />• On page 137, Shaping Orange County's Future proposed a method for addressing <br />positions. He suggested looking at Action Strategy A on page 137. <br />Chair Carey said that the Board should listen to the residents on this matter, in addition <br />to getting all of the answers to the questions that Commissioner Jacobs raised. He shared <br />three possible dates in August to have a public hearing on this matter on both ends of the <br />County and to hear the answers to the questions. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked who would sift through all of the information - a group of <br />citizens or the Board. Shaping Orange County's Future suggested setting up a task force. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that it is important to get answers to the questions from <br />Commissioner Jacobs. She agreed about holding the public hearings as soon as possible. She <br />does not think it is necessary to create a task force prior to the public hearings. <br />Chair Carey said that he would like to proceed after the public hearing, but he also thinks <br />that creating another task force to study this further and make recommendations is a step that <br />he hopes the Board will not take. He thinks the decision about how to elect County <br />Commissioners is going to be a political decision that the Board will have to make. He has told <br />the public that the Board will take an action on this one way or another. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve the scheduling of public hearings on Wednesday, August 24th and Wednesday, August <br />31St <br />UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that the Chair and the Clerk look at creating some <br />work sessions in September or October to sift through the information. Chair Carey and <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed with this. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to see more than one method proposed. <br />There are other ways to have district representation and not to increase the board to seven <br />commissioners. She would like to see variations with five commissioners. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Evelyn Cecil put together some historical information <br />that goes back to 1938. Since that time, there have been 19 County Commissioners from <br />Chapel Hill Township, 18 County Commissioners from the other townships, and 3 County <br />Commissioners who moved from Chapel Hill Township to other townships. <br />2. Recommendations for Reallocation of $12.8 Million in Programmed Debt <br />John Link said that this item is a process for the Board to affirm how to proceed with <br />allocating funds remaining of the $12.8 million initially designated for the CHCCS Elementary <br />
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