Orange County NC Website
REVISED- 12/9/08 <br />Abstract and New Attachments <br />Orange County Schools <br />Staff Recommended Educational Facilities Impact Fee Levels <br /> Effective Effective Effective Effective <br /> January 1, July 1, January 1, January 1, <br /> 2009 2009 2011 2013 <br /> 32% MSIF 40% MSIF 50% MSIF 60% MSIF <br />Sin le-Famil Detached $3,000 $3,749 $4,686 $5,623 <br />Single-Family Attached / <br />Multifamil $g30 $1,162 $1,453 $1,743 <br />Manufactured Homes $1,428 $1,785 $2,232 $2,678 <br />As the tables show, the impact fee for single-family detached dwellings in OCS is currently at <br />32% of the MSIF and will not change from the current impact fee amount of $3,000 until July 1, <br />2009 when it is proposed to increase to $3,749. In keeping with the County Attorney's <br />recommendation that impact fees be set at the same percentage of the MSIF in each school <br />district, staff is recommending the impact fee also be set at 32% of the MSIF in CHCCS which <br />will result in an increase of $1,685 per new single-family detached dwelling effective January 1, <br />2009. Because of current economic conditions, staff is recommending future increases in the <br />impact fee occur gradually beginning on July 1, 2009 with additional increases effective <br />January 1, 2011 and January 1, 2013. Since the recommended fee levels are well below the <br />MSIF, linking increases to a construction index is not necessary at this time and could provide <br />less certainity as to expected fee levels should the construction index flucuate significantly from <br />year to year. <br />Because of refinement in the categories of dwelling types, some types of new dwellings will <br />experience an increase in impact fee levels while other dwelling types will experience a <br />decrease in fee levels (see Attachment 4). Impact fees are paid at the time a Certificate of <br />Occupancy is issued for a dwelling. In response to questions raised after the public hearing, <br />staff is recommending an additional Appendix (Appendix C) be added to the reports prepared by <br />TischlerBise, Inc. The recommended appendix describes the various housing types, as used in <br />the impact fee calculations (see Attachment 7). <br />It is generally recommended impact fee studies be updated every 3-5 years depending on the <br />level of development occurring in a local government's jurisdiction. Updates are recommended <br />at this frequency to keep reasonably current on construc#ion costs, types of new housing being <br />constructed, and student generation rates. Therefore, the County should schedule a formal <br />update to the educational facilities impact fee ordinance in fiscal year 2013-14. <br />After adoption of updated fee levels by the BOCC, Planning Department staff will post notices in <br />the Building Permit office advising people of the change in impact fees and the effective dates <br />and will provide notices to the municipalities so they may do the same. <br />Student generation rates were calculated as part of the impact fee update process as the rates <br />are part of the formula to determine the MSIF. The Schools Adequate Public Facilities <br />Ordinance (SAPFO) also uses student generation rates as part of the SAPFO processes. The <br />