Orange County NC Website
Orange County Information Technologies Strategic Plan <br />Business Analysis methodologies should be formally <br />established for major system implementations and large- <br />scale enhancement requests. Business consultation skills <br />should be developed within the applications team so that <br />departments' business practices can be properly aligned <br />with available and potential technology solutions. <br />Formal partnerships should be developed between IT, <br />purchasing and legal departments, to ensure vendor <br />performance is measurable and contractually <br />enforceable. <br />CUSTOMER/CONSTITUENT SERVICES <br />Website Redevelopment <br />There is a strong need to redevelop the site to address the <br />issues outlined in the section entitled, County Website. <br />Orange County IT is leading the effort to perform a <br />comprehensive redevelopment of the site. This effort must <br />include creating a new site which is more efficient for the <br />public to find services, more efficient for departments to <br />manage their information, and should include instituting <br />mechanisms, such as Content Management Systems, to <br />ensure ongoing information growth is managed gracefully. <br />E-Government Initiatives <br />Along with the overall redevelopment of the Orange <br />County Website, new public services should be made <br />available on-line. There is a notable demographic trend of <br />Orange County as acomputer-literate and computer <br />accessible community. Additionally there is a unique <br />geographic separation between the County seat and <br />major population centers. This has meant a historical <br />frustration for the majority of Orange County citizens in <br />conducting County business. <br />Web technologies present an opportunity to address this <br />long unmet need of the citizenry. Web-based services <br />enable the public to transact with Orange County <br />government at their convenience. It allows citizens to <br />choose when and where they conduct business with <br />Orange County. At the same time, it reduces staff time <br />14 <br />Page 13 of 25 12/1/2008 <br />