Orange County NC Website
-1 <br />at this critical stage would probably undermine any additional new or modified site <br />search process and make the final decision permanently suspect and further lengthen <br />transfer station decision-making and project development. <br />Traffic <br />Concerns for traffic and other community impact issues have been thoroughly discussed <br />and considered and are integrated throughout the various criteria. Decisions were made <br />to minimize truck traffic on neighborhood roadways and that the final sites are all located <br />along major roadways is evidence of this importance. The large transfer trucks will not <br />be traveling on smaller roads or within neighborhoods and we believe that Highway 54 <br />will be more than adequate to handle the anticipated traffic. In fact, the BOCC can <br />contractually prescribe -the routes used by the transfer trucks and we will recommend that <br />they do so. Any site will be developed in close cooperation with state DOT. <br />Environmental <br />The issues of public utilities, groundwater contamination, watersheds, facility wash <br />down, and the other various concerns for the environmental protection have been <br />substantively discussed and addressed by the BOCC. <br />The County has thirty-six plus years of waste management history on which its <br />environmental record can be judged. We lead the state and are among the leaders in the <br />southeast regarding our recycling and waste reduction successes. We operate extremely <br />successful Hazardous Household Waste and electronics recycling programs. We have <br />operated landfills, both unlined and modern lined facilities without a single notice of <br />violation or compliance order during this thirty-six-year period. Our environmental <br />monitoring is second to none in its rigor, consistency and depth and we were among the <br />first if not first in the state in install groundwater monitoring wells at a sanitary landfill in <br />the mid-1970"s. The state and local permitting process will require strict adherence to a <br />variety of rules and regulations. All requirements will be met or exceeded. <br />Summary <br />There are several conclusions associated with this site search process: <br />• There is no perfect site or perfect site process <br />• Any site selected will have opposition <br />• Unlimited potential adjustments, second-guessing, revisions and delays are <br />possible <br />• Each adjustment or revision is likely to result in new candidates sites <br />• All reasonable and necessary actions to protect neighborhoods and the <br />environment will be taken <br />• The BOCC performed due diligence in carefully crafting the criteria and <br />weighting factors <br />• The BOCC performed due diligence by establishing a open, fair and informative <br />public process <br />4 <br />