Orange County NC Website
Waste to Energy Alternatives: The Gershman, Brickner and Bratton Inc. (GBB) report <br />concluded that at Orange County's current level of MSW generation (less than 250 tons per <br />day), it would not be economical to develop astand-alone waste combustion facility to handle <br />Orange County waste only, and there is insufficient time to forge a regional partnership to <br />pursue, or navigate the environmental obstacles in either case. <br />Near-Term Solid Waste Management Strateay: The Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB), <br />based on its review, of the GBB report, recommends concentrating primarily on siting the <br />transfer station and continuing successful, aggressive recycling efforts. <br />Recommendations <br />Olver, Inc. makes the following recommendation for BOCC consideration: <br />Pursue acquisition of Site 056 (142.7 acres) for the Orange County Transfer Station <br />(Page 11, Olver, Inc. Report) <br />• Undeveloped <br />• Heavily wooded <br />• Direct access to NC-54 <br />• Minimal floodplain/steep slope encumbrance <br />• Expansion opportunity for selected ancillary facilities <br />• Excellent buffering <br />• Condition upon acquisition of required easement required across second parcel <br />• Willing seller <br />• Maintain Site 759 as the second choice <br />Solid Waste Management makes the following recommendation for BOCC consideration: <br />Pursue acquisition of Site 056 (142.7 acres) for the Orange County Transfer Station <br />(Pages 5-6, Staff Memo to County Manager) <br />• Within Orange County planning jurisdiction <br />• No known environmental issues <br />• High score in both technical and community specific aspects <br />• Directly accessible from Hwy 54 <br />• Supports no existing farming or other commercial activity <br />• Large enough to offer few site plan development constraints, potential for future <br />expandability, and maximum buffering <br />• Forested with re-growth of pine trees <br />• Not in close proximity to schools, churches, recreation sites <br />• No known substantive surface or groundwater restrictions <br />• Will impact few residences <br />• Bordered on two sides by other public purposes <br />• Willing seller <br />