Agenda - 12/11/2008 - 6e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2008
Agenda - 12/11/2008 - 6e
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/9/2008 4:08:09 PM
Creation date
12/9/2008 4:08:08 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081211
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2008
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~v <br />• The landfill will reach capacity in late spring-early summer 2011 and no practical <br />alternative exists to transferring waste <br />The Board of Commissioners has spent considerable time and productive effort in <br />developing a fair, open, and comprehensive station siting process, based on an aggressive <br />timeline, consistent with the projected closure of the Orange County Landfill, and with <br />acute sensitivity to community impacts. There was never any preconception that a <br />decision would be made that satisfied every resident or answered every conceivable <br />question. That is impossible. The transfer station site search process was predictably <br />difficult and should soon be brought to its natural conclusion and future waste related <br />siting processes avoided to the extent possible. <br />Finally, for those residents who have a vision of the future of local waste management <br />and wish to be involved in creating a more sustainable plan for the future should consider <br />volunteering for the local Solid Waste Advisory Board and its ongoing discussions and <br />investigations. Alternatively, citizens could become involved in following the progress <br />of the County's Solid Waste Planning Work Group as they seek to complete a 10-year <br />solid waste management plan by next spring and make ready for public comment. It is <br />certainly less helpful to only become involved a critical junctures of implementation of <br />existing plans or at times where there are severe time constraints. <br />Recommendation <br />It is staff s recommendation that Site 056 (West 54 LLC/Howell property) be <br />selected as the site for an Orange County Transfer Station: <br />• It is in Orange County's planning jurisdiction. <br />• It possesses no known environmental justice issues. <br />• It scored high in both technical and community specific aspects of evaluation <br />(combined criteria score ranked it in top 5). <br />• It is accessible directly from Highway 54 and requires no other roadways for <br />transfer trucks to travel to the interstate. <br />• It supports no existing farming or other active commercial activity. <br />• It is large enough to offer few site plan development constraints, to support <br />potential future ability to expand, and provide maximum buffering from present <br />and future surrounding development. <br />• It has been forested and currently supports primarily a re-growth of pine trees. <br />• It is not in close proximity to schools, churches, and recreation sites. <br />• It has no known substantive surface or groundwater restrictions or likely existing <br />environmental concerns. <br />• It also will impact very few residences. <br />• Regarding adjacent land uses it is bordered on two sides by other public purpose <br />(OWASA) property allowing further buffering. <br />• It has a seller willing to negotiate. <br />
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