Orange County NC Website
^ that the site designer at the final plat stage evaluate and preserve, to the extent <br />possible, the large specimen trees near the old homestead. <br />^ Public access from NC Old 86 is available on the property dedicated to the <br />County. <br />^ The 20.99 acres dedication satisfies the parkland payment-in-lieu requirement which would be <br />9/20 acre as referenced above. <br />Schools <br />• This subdivision is located within the Orange County School System area. The Orange County <br />School Superintendent has approved the issuance of the certificate of Adequate Public Schools <br />(CAPS) after BOCC approval of the Preliminary Plan. [See attached]. <br />Develoament Process, Schedule, and Action <br />• First Action: Neighborhood Information Meeting held on April 21, 2008. <br />• Second Action: The Concept Plan was approved by the Planning Board on May 7, 2008 with <br />the following conditions: <br />1. All intersection and road alignments on the Preliminary Plan shall meet NCDOT <br />standards. <br />2. Homeowners Association documents that provide for maintenance of Open Space <br />areas shall be submitted with the preliminary plan. This includes lands that will be in <br />common ownership or will have easements retained on publicly dedicated lands. <br />Provisions shall be included in the Homeowners Association documents that prohibit <br />tree cutting in all Open Space areas, except for safety or maintenance purposes. <br />3. Show, on the Preliminary Plan along New Hope Church Road, an additional right-of- <br />way dedication of 5 feet, or 35 feet from the centerline of existing R/W, whichever is <br />greater. <br />4. Show, on the Preliminary Plan along Old NC 86, an additional right-of-way dedication <br />of 20 feet, or 50 feet from centerline of existing R/W, whichever is greater. <br />5. Show five-foot utility easements along both sides of the fifty-foot right-of-way for the <br />proposed cul-de-sac street. <br />6. Show a 5-foot non-vehicular access easement along the entire portion of the frontage <br />of New Hope Church Road, with the exception of the new street location. <br />7. Show a 5-foot non-vehicular access easement along the entire frontage of Old NC 86, <br />with the exception of the land dedicated to Orange County. <br />8. Show an easement location for a subdivision sign on the Preliminary Plan if a sign is <br />planned. <br />9. All street lighting and sign lights, if proposed, shall be approved by Orange County <br />Planning to ensure compliance with the Orange County Outside Lighting Standards. <br />10. Evaluate, and preserve to the extent possible, the large specimen trees in the general <br />vicinity of the old homestead. <br />11. Protect, through the homeowner's association documents, the Old NC 86 Scenic <br />Byway corridor to preserve trees and restrict uses in the 100-foot protection area (i.e. <br />the building setback area along Old NC 86). <br />• Third Action: Planning Board reviewed the Preliminary Plan on October 1, 2008 and <br />unanimously recommended approval in accordance with the attached Recommendation of the <br />Orange County Planning Board. <br />3 <br />The proposed Resolution of Approval follows the wording in the attached Recommendation of <br />the Orange County Planning Board. <br />