Agenda - 12/11/2008 - 4n
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2008
Agenda - 12/11/2008 - 4n
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/9/2008 3:19:08 PM
Creation date
12/9/2008 3:19:06 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
2008-116 Purchasing - Motorola Service Agreement for 9-1-1 Radio Equipment
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
Minutes - 20081211
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2008
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<br />MC~T+~iR4LA. <br />Statement of Work <br />Network Preventative Maintenance <br />1.0 Description of Service <br />Network Preventative Maintenance will provide an operational test and alignment, on the Customer's <br />Infrastructure Equipment (infrastructure or fixed network equipment only) to ensure the Infrastructure <br />meets original manufacturer's specifications, as set forth in the applicable attached Exhibit(s), all of which <br />are hereby incorporated by this reference. Customer's System type determines which Exhibit is applicable <br />(i.e. SmartZone system exhibit, SmartNet system exhibit). Network Preventative Maintenance will be <br />performed during Standard Business Days. If the System or Customer requirements dictate this service <br />must occur outside of Standard Business Days, Motorola will provide an additional quotation. Customer is <br />responsible for any charges associated with helicopter or other unusual access requirements or expenses. <br />The terms and conditions of this SOW are an integral part of Motorola's Service Terms and Conditions or <br />other applicable agreement to which it is attached and made a part thereof by this reference. <br />2.0 Motorola has the following responsibilities: <br />2.1 Notify the Customer of any possible System downtime needed to perform this service. <br />2.2 Physically inspect the Infrastructure Equipment in the system (equipment cabinets, general circuitry, <br />fault indicators, cables, and connections). <br />2.3 Remove any dust, and/or foreign substances from the Infrastructure. <br />2.4 Clean filters, if applicable. <br />2.5 Measure, record, align, adjust the Infrastructure Equipment parameters in accordance with the <br />manufacturer's service manuals and the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications <br />Commission (FCC), where applicable. <br />3.0 Customer has the following responsibilities: <br />3.1 Provide preferred schedule for Network Preventative Maintenance to Motorola. <br />3.2 Authorize and acknowledge any scheduled System downtime. <br />3.3 Maintain periodic backup of databases, Software applications and Firmware. <br />3.4 Establish and maintain a suitable environment (heat, light, and power) for the Equipment location and <br />provide the Servicer full, free, and safe access to the Equipment so that the Servicer may provide <br />services. All sites shall be accessible by standard service vehicles. <br />3.5 Cooperate with Motorola and perform all acts that are reasonable or necessary to enable Motorola to <br />provide the Network Preventative Maintenance services to Customer. <br />Approved by Motorola Contracts & Compliance: 1/28/08 <br />
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