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8 <br />~~-~~~~~ <br />Statement of Work <br />Local Infrastructure Repair <br />1.0 Description of Services <br />Local Infrastructure Repair is a repair service provided by the Servicer for Infrastructure named on the <br />Customer Equipment list. At the Servicer's discretion and responsibility, Infrastructure may be sent to <br />Motorola, original equipment manufacturer, third party vendor, or other facility for repair. <br />The terms and conditions of this Statement of Work (SOW) are an integral part of Motorola's Service Terms <br />and Conditions or other applicable Agreement to which it is attached and made a part thereof by this reference. <br />2.0 Motorola Servicer has the following responsibilities: <br />2.1. Repair or replace Infrashucture at the Servicer facility or Customer locafion as deternuned by Servicer. <br />Any replaced FRU will be of a similar kit and version, and will contain like boards and chips, as the <br />Customer's malfimctioning FRU(s). Servicer is responsible for travel costs to a Customer location to <br />repair Infrastructure. <br />2.2. Perform the following on Motorola Infrastructure: <br />2.2.1. Perform an operational check on the Infrastructure to determine the nature of the problem. <br />2.2.2. Repair or replace malfimctioning FRU, as determined by Servicer. <br />2.2.3. Verify that Motorola Infrastructure is returned to Motorola manufactured specifications. <br />2.3. Provide the following service on select third party Infrastructure <br />2.3.1. Perform pre-diagnostic and repair service to confirm Infrastructure malfunction and eliminate <br />sending Infrastructure with no trouble found (NTF) to third party vendor for repair, when applicable. <br />2.3.2. Ship malfunctioning Infrastruchue to the original equipment manufacturer or third party vendor for <br />repair service. Servicer is responsible for all shipping and handling charges. <br />2.3.3. Coordinate and track Infrastructure sent to the original equipment manufacturer or third party vendor <br />for service. <br />2.4. Re-program Infrastructure to original operating parameters based on templates provided by Customer <br />required by Section 3.2. )f the Customer template is not provided or is not reasonably usable, a standard <br />default template will be used. The Servicer will provide the standard template. <br />2.5. Notify the Customer upon completion of repair or replacement. <br />2.6. Properly package, return ship or hand deliver Infrastructure to the Customer specified address. Servicer <br />will pay return shipping charges, if being sent via overnight carrier. <br />3.0 Customer has the following responsibilities: <br />3.1. Contact Servicer and provide the following information: <br />3.1.1. Provide customer name, address of site location, and symptom of problem. <br />3.1.2. Provide model description, model number, serial number, and type of System and Firmware version, <br />if known. <br />3.2. Maintain and/or store backups of all applicable Software applications and Firmware for reloading, if <br />necessary by Servicer, after repair service is completed. <br />3.3. Cooperate with Motorola and perform all acts that are reasonable or necessary to enable Motorola to <br />provide Local Infrastructure Repair services to Customer. <br />Local Infrastructw•e Reparr <br />Approved by Contracts and Compliance 08-24-07 page I of I <br />