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10 <br />Mt~TtlRt7LA <br />Statement of Work <br />OnSite Infrastructure Response and Dispatch Service <br />1.0 Description of Services <br />The Motorola System Support Center (SSC) will receive Customer request for service and dispatch a Servicer. <br />For Mesh system a Servicer will be dispatched only to the central site where the Mobile Integrated System <br />Controller (MISC) is located. The Servicer will respond to the Customer location based on pre-defined Severity <br />Levels set forth in the Severity Definitions Table and Response times set forth in the Response Time Table in <br />order to Restore the System. <br />Motorola will provide Case management as set forth herein. The SSC will maintain contact with the on-site <br />Servicer until System Restoral and Case is closed. The SSC will Continuously track and manage Cases from <br />creation to close through an automated Case tracking process. This Case management allows for Motorola to <br />provide Case activity reports. <br />The terms and conditions of this Statement of Work (SOW) are an integral part of Motorola's Service Terms <br />and Conditions or other applicable Agreement to which it is attached and made a part thereof by this reference. <br />2,0 Motorola has the following responsibilities: <br />2.1. Continuously receive service requests. <br />2.2. Create a Case as necessary when service requests are received. Gather information to perform the <br />following: <br />2.2.1. Characterize the issue. <br />2.2.2. Determine a plan of action. <br />2.2.3. Assign and track the Case to resolution. <br />2.3. Dispatch a Servicer as required by Motorola standard procedures and provide necessary Case information <br />collected in 2.2. <br />2.4. Ensure the required personnel have access to Customer information as needed. <br />2.5. Servicer will perform the following on-site: <br />2.5.1. Run diagnostics on the Infrastructure or FRU. <br />2.5.2. Replace defective Infrastructure or FRU, as applicable. Customer, Servicer or Motorola may <br />provide Infrastructure or FRU. <br />2.5.3. Provide materials, tools, documentation, physical planning manuals, diagnostic/test equipment and <br />any other requirements necessary to perform the Maintenance service. <br />2.5.4. If a third party Vendor is needed to Restore the System, the Servicer may accompany that Vendor <br />onto the Customer's premises. <br />2.6. Verify with Customer that Restoration is complete or System is functional, if required by Customer's <br />repair Verification in the Customer Support Plan required by section 3.2. If Verification by Customer <br />cannot be completed within 20 minutes of Restoration, the Case will be closed and the Servicer will be <br />released. <br />2.7. Escalate the Case to the appropriate party upon expiration of a Response time. <br />2.8. Close the Case upon receiving notification from Customer or Servicer, indicating the Case is resolved. <br />2.9. Notify Customer of Case Status as defined required by the Customer Support Plan: <br />2,9.1. Open and closed; or <br />2.9.2. Open, assigned to the Servicer, arrival of the Servicer on-site, deferred or delayed, closed. <br />2.10. Provide Case activity reports to Customer. <br />3.0 Customer has the following responsibilities: <br />3.1, Contact Motorola, as necessary, to request service Continuously. <br />3.2. Provide Motorola with pre-defined Customer information and preferences prior to Start Date necessary to <br />complete Customer Support Plan. <br />3.2.1. Case notification preferences and procedure. <br />OnSite Infrastructure Response and Dispatch Service <br />Approved by Motorola Contracts and Compliance 1 /30/08 page 1 of 3 <br />