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The Board considered approving a four-year lease renewal for the Sawyer Building to <br /> be used as offices for Child Support Enforcement through December 1, 2012 in the amount of <br /> $49,650 per year for each of the first two years of renewal and $51,801.50 for years three and <br /> four of the renewal; and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked why this facility could not be moved into Hillsborough <br /> Commons right away rather than paying rent. Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam <br /> Jones said that the primary reason is that DSS has programmed enough of Hillsborough <br /> Commons and it is more convenient for Child Support to be downtown. The lease is very <br /> inexpensive considering the 66% reimbursement that Child Support receives. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he has some discomfort with leased property. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> approve a four-year lease renewal for the Sawyer Building to be used as offices for Child <br /> Support Enforcement through December 1, 2012 in the amount of $49,650 per year for each <br /> of the first two years of renewal and $51,801.50 for years three and four of the renewal; and <br /> authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> k. Lease Renewal: 501 W. Franklin Street, Suite #105 <br /> The Board considered approving a lease renewal with, a software <br /> consulting firm, for space at 501 W. Franklin Street commencing on December 3, 2008 <br /> through December 2, 2009 for a monthly rental fee of $825; and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked if there is a County facility that needs space that could <br /> move into here rather than the County owning something that it then leases out. <br /> Pam Jones said that this facility has a history. The entire property around this used to <br /> be leased, and the County has been gradually putting more and more County offices here. <br /> The hope is to have move down and take the other suite so that Human Rights <br /> and Relations can expand. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br /> approve a lease renewal with, a software consulting firm, for space at 501 W. <br /> Franklin Street commencing on December 3, 2008 through December 2, 2009 for a monthly <br /> rental fee of $825; and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> m. Loan Subordination Request— Chrysalis Foundation <br /> The Board considered approving a request from the Chrysalis Foundation for Mental <br /> Health, Inc. to subordinate for County Deeds of Trust totaling $222,878 to a permanent loan <br /> with Roxboro Savings Bank and authorizing the Chair to sign upon the review and approval of <br /> the County Attorney. <br /> Jean Sutter, Executive Director of Chrysalis Foundation, said that she knows that the <br /> Board of County Commissioners received an email from a neighbor of one of the properties <br /> being considered, and she wanted to assure the County Commissioners that a person has <br /> been hired specifically for property management and there have been assessments and the <br /> properties will be brought to where they need to be. The Roosevelt St. property has three <br /> clients currently and the foundation has worked to clean up the outside area. The person <br /> referred to in the email that was asking for money and transportation is no longer living in this <br /> property. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked Jean Sutter if she had talked to the sender of the email and she <br /> said that she would. Chair Jacobs asked for notification of when she talks to the sender of the <br /> email. <br />