Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT SEVEN (7) — Resolution of Rezoning Denial: <br />RESOLUTION <br />I OF THE <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />TO DENY AN ORDINANCE FOR A ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT <br />FOR A REZONING PETITION SUBMITTED BY <br />VERNON DAVIS <br />Date: <br />The Board of County Commissioners for Orange County (hereafter "BOCC" or "Board") <br />herby approves an Application For Amendment (the "Application") to the Orange County <br />Zoning Ordinance (the "Ordinance") and the Orange County Zoning Atlas (the "Atlas") <br />submitted by Vernon Davis (the "Applicant") to amend the Ordinance and Atlas by <br />rezoning those certain parcels of property described more fully below: <br />FROM: Agricultural Residential (AR) <br />TO: Neighborhood Commercial Two (NC-2) <br />The property is further identified by the following legal description as. provided by the <br />Applicant within the Application: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the western right-of-Way of White Cross Road <br />(S.R. 1952) the southeast corner of property of Vernon P. and Barbara S. <br />Davis acquired by deed recorded in the Orange County Registry in Book <br />419 page 32, a northeast corner of Lot 1 as shown on the plat hereinafter <br />referenced, an iron stake. Then with the western right-of-way of White <br />Cross Road, S 058-59'-04" W 151.01 feet to a new point, an iron stake. <br />Then leaving the right-of-way, a new line N 818-00'-56" W 153.98 feet to a <br />new point, an iron stake. Then another new line, N 108-38'-47" W 272.79 <br />feet to a new point in the southern right-of-way of North Carolina Highway <br />54, an iron stake. Then with the southern right-of-way of N.C. 54 counter- <br />clockwise along the arc of a curve having a radius of 3879.42 feet an <br />distance of 164.92 feet (chord: S 848-23-26" E 164.91 feet) to a point, an <br />existing iron stake. Then continuing with the right-of-way, S 468- 02' =16" E <br />20.48 feet to the northwest corner of the previously mentioned Davis <br />property, an existing iron stake,. Then with Davis S 078-14'-04" W 104.18 <br />feet to a point, an iron stake. Then continuing with Davis, S 818-14'-50" E <br />81.04 feet to the point and place of Beginning, containing 1.04 acres more <br />or less, and being the northeastern portion of Lot 1 as shown on the plat of <br />survey by ENT Land Surveys, Inc. entitled "Property of Vernon P. Davis <br />and Barbara S. Davis" dated August 29, 1996 and recorded in the Orange <br />County Registry in Plat Book 76 page 179. <br />39 <br />