Orange County NC Website
<br />Library Services Task Force <br />Executive Summary <br />To the Commissioners: <br />Thank you for your financial support and guidance for the series of studies on libraries <br />and services in Orange County beginning with the Task Force of 2002, the Task Force of <br />2004, the Carrboro Study Group, and the most recent Task Force of 2007. These local <br />studies are combined with four recent national studies described below to form the <br />knowledge base for comprehensive library service for the county. <br />A national survey of public attitudes toward libraries reported that the American <br />people see libraries as political solutions to many pressing community problems, <br />such as universal access to computers and a safe place for teens. Libraries have <br />high credibility; they are given the highest grade of any community institution. <br />They perform an essential service in a trustworthy•manner; local libraries use <br />money well. The general public values libraries as a safe central community <br />gathering location. The public believes libraries should provide traditional <br />services, such as books for children, reference materials, knowledgeable and <br />friendly librarians as well as 215 century services like computers and online <br />services.l <br />• A national survey funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services <br />concluded that libraries evoke consistent, extraordinary public trust among <br />diverse adult users, that the public benefits from the presence of libraries on the <br />Internet, that available information inspires the search for more information, and <br />that Internet use is positively related to in-person visits to libraries? <br />• A 2007 survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project reports that libraries <br />drew visits from more than half the American population last year for a variety of <br />purposes. Young adults were found to be the heaviest users of libraries for <br />problem-solving purposes and other reasons.3 <br />• Two additional recent reports calculated taxpayer return on investment in Florida <br />and Pennsylvania public libraries respectively. These studies used public library <br />annual reports to the State Library, a statewide household telephone survey of <br />adults, in-library surveys of adults, surveys of organizations and aninput-output <br />~ Long Overdzre; A Fresh Look at Pzrblic Attitudes About 'Libraries in the 21s` Cent:iry (2006).. Prepared by <br />Public Agenda with support from the Americans for Libraries Council and the Bill and Melinda Gates <br />Foundation. Accessed 4/27/2008 from <br />a Griffiths, Jose-Marie and Donald King (2008). Interconnections: The Il11LS National Stzidy on the Use <br />of Libraries, Musez~ms and the Internet. Funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services. <br />Accessed 4/27/2008 from <br />3 Estabrook, Leigh, Evans Witt and Leigh Rainey (2007). Information Searches That Solve Problems; How <br />People Use the Internet, Libraries, and Government Agencies when They need Help. (2007). Funded by <br />the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Accessed 4/27/2008 from <br /> <br />