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to <br />The professionally trained librarians on the Task Force, directed by the BOCC and Task Force <br />at large, have created a Matrix, which is attached, of Library Standards identifying those Orange <br />County libraries that meet the standard or the financial impact of achieving the standard. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is rio immediate financial impact•to receiving this Executive <br />Summary and Attachments. These documents identify specific'funding initiatives for the CIP for <br />Library Services in Orange County. The BOCC would ultimately need to discuss and determine <br />the overall magnitude and relative priority of these future capital project proposals and <br />associated impacts on program operations and facility maintenance. The Library currently holds <br />in trust approximately $129,000 that can be used as a capital contribution towards a proposed <br />Heritage Center. Additionally, the current Library budget contains $10,000, earmarked to <br />engage an outside consultant to explore interoperability among all Orange County Libraries. <br />These funds can be used to address the 2000 Task Force recommendation to' conduct a cost- <br />benefit study of implementing acounty-wide, jointly-operated, technology-system. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1. Accept the Library Service Standards and Facilities Needs Matrix developed by 2007 <br />Library Services Task Force; and <br />2. Direct County and Library management to begin discussions with the Town of Chapel Hill <br />for a consolidated county-wide library system. <br />