Orange County NC Website
FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with review of the proposed <br />charges and composition for the Chatham/Orange Joint Planning Task Force and authorizing <br />staff to forward the task forces' proposed charges and compositions to the other jurisdictions for <br />approval and respective appointments. Eventual adoption of the task forces will require primary <br />staff resources from the County department of Planning, and OPT and ERCD as necessary. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1) review the proposed joint Chatham/Orange task force proposal; <br />2) make any needed revisions; <br />3) authorize staff to examine the potential County staff resources needed to <br />participate in these efforts; and <br />4) authorize staff to forward these materials as revised to the other jurisdictions for <br />approval and respective appointments. Following approvals and appointments <br />by the other jurisdictions, the proposals would come back to the Board of County <br />Commissioners for final approval and County appointments. <br />