Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE DURHAM - CHAPEL HILL - <br />CARRBORO METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION TRANSPORTATION <br />ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGARDING OPTIONS FOR DEVELOPING <br />THE DRAFT 2035 LONG -RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN <br />3 <br />WHEREAS, Orange County has participated in regional transportation planning as a <br />member of the Durham - Chapel Hill - Carrboro (DCHC) Metropolitan Planning <br />Organization (MPO); and <br />WHEREAS, the Durham - Chapel Hill- Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee is <br />preparing a Long -Range Transportation Plan, and has released the Options for <br />developing the Preferred Option for the Draft DCHC 2035 Long -Range Transportation <br />Plan (LRTP) for public comment; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County seeks ample opportunities to review and comment on <br />regional transportation plans and policies; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange Unified Transportation Board has submitted comments <br />regarding the Preferred Option for the Draft 2035 LRTP; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners has submitted comments <br />regarding the Alternatives Analysis for the 2035 LRTP and has reviewed the Options for <br />the Preferred Option for the Draft 2035 LRTP; <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />recommends to the Transportation Advisory Committee that the 2035 Durham - Chapel <br />Hill- Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization Long Range Transportation Plan give <br />priority to projects that encourage alternatives to automobile travel, minimize adverse <br />impacts on the natural environment and cultural sites, and foster economic development <br />in designated economic development districts. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />recommends that the following approaches be considered in the Draft 2035 Long <br />Range Transportation Plan: <br />• Support rail transportation including commuter rail service between Burlington and Raleigh <br />that would serve Orange County, as well as light rail to serve the Triangle area; <br />• Consider extending light rail from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to connect <br />to potential commuter rail (University Station) ending in Carrboro; <br />• Consider using existing power grids (utility easements) for light rail lines; <br />• Support enhanced local bus and express bus service with shorter delays; <br />• Ensure good connectivity of services that feed larger transit systems; <br />• Include private transportation providers in the process, especially with respect to provision of <br />services to transportation terminals and areas on fringe of service routes; <br />• Concentrate limited resources on transit and not on expanding highway capacity; and <br />