Agenda - 12-01-2008 - 6a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-01-2008
Agenda - 12-01-2008 - 6a
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/1/2008 4:54:44 PM
Creation date
12/1/2008 4:54:42 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081201
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2008
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,~+~a ~, n <br />~o <br />Outside Agency Descriptions <br />A Helping Hand <br />The goals of this agency are to enable senior citizens to live independently, maintain high levels <br />of wellness and avoid institutionalized care.. The funds provided from Orange County support <br />low-income care recipients who are unable to afford the fee of $15 per hour. Services provided <br />by A Helping Hand include transportation to the doctor, assistance with shopping for nutritious <br />food and preparing healthy meals, assistance with business correspondence, and light <br />housekeeping for a clean and safe home environment. <br />Adolescents in Need <br />This agency serves Orange County School District teens (grades 6 through 12 and those not in <br />school). The focus is primarily on those youths that are considered at-risk of early sexual <br />involvement, substance abuse, defiant behavior and physical or sexual abuse due to home, <br />family or other social surroundings. <br />Alliance of Aids Services <br />This agency operates two family care homes for low-income people living with HIV/AIDS, six of <br />whom currently live at the Orange Community Residence ("Orange House") in Carrboro. This <br />grant will assist the Alliance in providing the proper nutrition and medication needed for the six <br />residents in the Orange House. <br />Arc of Orange County <br />The Arc of Orange County works with and for people who have/are at risk for developmental <br />disabilities to promote full participation in all areas of life in our community. A portion of the <br />requested funds would be used for transportation costs for clients living in northern Orange <br />County. The other half of their request would be spent on a new program initiative, Community <br />Connections Program. This program will promote entrepreneurial abilities in clients by <br />supporting and encouraging projects and activities that might lead to micro-enterprise projects. <br />ArtsCenter <br />The Arts Center links art, artists and audiences in Orange County through programs, events and <br />classes designed in response to community needs and interests. The co-existence of visual, <br />performing and literary arts in one accessible facility encourages multi-disciplinary <br />collaborations and provides wide-ranging experiences for professionals, amateurs and non- <br />artists of all ages to learn about and participate in visual and performing arts. <br />Big Brothers Big Sisters <br />Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of the Triangle offers two services, community-based and <br />school-based mentoring. Community-based mentoring provides mentors for children from <br />single parent homes or other children in need of adult mentors. These "Big Brothers and Big <br />Sisters" play an integral role in the lives of their "tittles" by being good listeners and guiding <br />these children in the right direction. School-based mentoring provides mentors to children <br />during and after school on their school's campus. Teachers or key school staff refer children to <br />their program who may need extra attention to build better social skills or who may be lacking in <br />a particular area of schoolwork. School-based matches last for one school year and may <br />continue into the next at the request of the parent, child, teacher or volunteer. <br />
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