Orange County NC Website
__ _ 3 <br />TRAVELERS CASGAI,T1' AND SUTtE'1'Y COMPANY OF AT•1~LRICA <br />'1T2.4VIiLT,RS C:4:SL?A.L.TY AND SU12ET~' COT~II'Af~TY <br />F,'CT2D~ITNC;7'ON CASU:~LTY CUIITYANI' <br />Ii:r•iford, Connecticut 0(133 J0C,2 <br />POD\%F.,R OF :~7~1'ORNL•'1' A~'ll CERTIF7CA`I'1~ OF :1U'1'110R1'T'l' OF AT`I'OK\LY(S1-f'~-FACT <br />k110~1' :ALL PF:RSO\S Bl' THESE PRESIi\''1'S. THAT TR.4~%ELERS CASLIALTI' :tND SL1RETl•' CU;t9PANl` OF <br />ANIFRICA, '1•I2AVLLERS CASII~ILTY AND SIfRH;'1'1' C01IPA:~'1' and F:4RIIIINGTON CASUAL"1.1' COi~7l'ANY. <br />corporations duly organi-r_ed under the la~~s of the State of Connecticut, and ha,•ing their principal offices in the Cite of 1-fartford. <br />County of Hartford; State of Connecticut, (hereinafter Ilse. "C'ompanies') bath made, constituted and apl7ointed, and do by these <br />17rescnls make, constitute and appoint: Larry A. Summers, Charles ll. "l'hompson. of Chapel hill, North Carolina., their true and <br />la~~~ful Attorney(s)-in-1?tict, with full po~1•er and authority' hereby conferred to sign, execute and acknowledge, at an}~ place 1~•ithin the <br />United States, life following instnJmcnt(s): by his/I+cr sole signature and act. any atld all bonds. r000g111%anCCS, C0171raClS of <br />indemnity-, and other n•ritings obligatory. in life nature of a bond, recognizance, or Condltlonal Ullderlakillg and any and all consents <br />incident thereto and to bind the Companies, thereby as full- and to the sank extent as if the same yycre signed b}' the duly authorized <br />officers of the Companies. and all the acts of said Attorney(s)-in-Fact, pursuant to the authorit}• herein given. arc hereby cJtificd and <br />COllfllll7ed. <br />This appointment is n7ade under and. by authority oC the folloying Standing Resolutions of said Companies, which Resolutions are <br />now in Cull force and effect: <br />VOTI?l~: '117at life Chairman, life President, am' VJC2 Chalrnuul, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice !'resident, any <br />Second Vice President, the Treasurer; any Assistvrt ']:reasurcr, life Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary ma}' appoint Attarncy~s-in-Pact <br />and Agents to act 1'or and on bchal,C of the company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority nlely prescribe <br />to sign with file Company's name ar7d seal ~;'itll the Conpany's scat bonds, reoo~tliztnlces, contracts of indemnity, and o111er ~~.ritings ohligatol~' in <br />the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said oCliccrs or Ule Poard of Directors at any time may remove tiny such <br />appointee and revoke the power given 17i1n or her. <br />VQTEI'~: '1"hat the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice I'resident <br />may delegate all or any part of Qte foregoing auUlority to one or more ofiicers or employees oP this Company; provided that each such delegation is <br />in ~iritine and a copy tllcreof is filed in the office of file Secretary. <br />VUTI;D: That _any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or uritine obligatory in the nature oC a bond, recognizance, or conditional <br />undertaking shall he valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President, any Vice Chairman; any F-.xecutive Vice President; any <br />Senior Vice President or a11y Vice President; any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, t11e Corportlic Secretary or any <br />Assistant Secretary and duly a.ttcsted grid sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, or (b) duly executed (wider seal, if <br />rctluiredj by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her ccrlilicate or (heir certificates of authority or <br />by one or more Company officers pursuant to a yyn•itten delegation of authority. <br />`I:his Potiver of Attorney and Certificate of Authority is silmed and sealed by facsimile (mechanical or printed) under and'by <br />authority of the following Standing Resolution voted by the Boards of Directors of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY <br />COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY :AND SURETY COl!'IPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY <br />COMPANY, which Resolution is now in full force and ci'fect: <br />VOT>rl~: That the signature of each of the following ofiicers: President, any Executive Vice President; tuty Senior Vice President, any Vice <br />('resident; an}' Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, tiny Assistant Secretary. and the seal of the Company may be al fixed by CacsimiJe to any <br />power of attorney or to any certifcate relating dlerelo uppontin~ Resident Vice Presidents, Kcsident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for <br />purposes onl}' of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other ~y7•itines obligatory in the nature thereof; and an}'such power of attorney <br />or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsullile seal shall be valid and hoofing upon the Company grid any such power so executed and <br />certified by such lacsimilc signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Compaliy in the future with respect to any bond or <br />iuldertakin~ to which it is attached: <br />(D2-0> 1 I_hilimitcd <br />