Agenda - 12-01-2008 - 4g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-01-2008
Agenda - 12-01-2008 - 4g
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Last modified
4/23/2013 10:52:31 AM
Creation date
12/1/2008 4:33:10 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081201
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13 <br />Brian Crawford: Move the question <br />Jay Bryan: Ok, there's been a motion and a second. Any further discussion? <br />MOTION made by Judith Wegner to approve the amended preliminary plat to delete the 4.73 acres. <br />Seconded by Joel Knight. <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />Jay Bryan: The Historic Preservation Commission also expressed concern about other potential historic <br />and prehistoric resources on the property. Will anything be done about their concerns? <br />Glenn Bowles: I would have to refer that to the owner or his agent. The site was forested 50 years ago so <br />any surface features are gone. <br />Jay Bryan: I am refereeing the letter written to Tina Moon, page 62 of the agenda packet, which indicated a <br />couple of sites. Are all those contained within the four acres? <br />Glenn Bowles: One is. The other is a family plot and there is a third one not on this plot. When <br />construction begins, I may ask them to contact myself or Tina Moon if they find anything. <br />Jay Bryan: You mentioned that the Historic Preservation Commission did not submit their proposed <br />recommendation in time. Was it not received within a day or two of the meeting? <br />Glenn Bowles: The packets had to go out on Wednesday and we received the reports on Thursday and <br />Friday. Since 1 had them, I felt duty bound to give them to the board at theirmeeting. <br />Jay Bryan: My concern is that boards may think they can make recommendations anytime before the <br />process as long as it is in advance of the Public Hearing. I am a little concerned that it was not accepted in <br />the public record to be considered by the Board of County Commissioners because the staff made a <br />determination that it was not presented in time. <br />Renee Price: In addition, the Planning Board has requested the Historic Preservation Commission to review <br />it. <br />Jay Bryan: The Board of County Commissioners should look at the timing issue. Do any of us really know <br />what the deadline is for submission? I didn't know about this agenda item until we got to the Buckhom <br />Village. <br />Tina Moon: It was a timing issue. The Planning Board meets at the beginning of the month and the Historic <br />Preservation Commission meets at the end of the month. The Planning Board considers this at the <br />beginning of August and by the time the Historic Preservation Commission had their meeting, it was the <br />fourth Wednesday of the month. The packet cut off was the next Thursday at 12:05. The status for the <br />preservation office was a one day turn around and it was not in time for the packet. I should have gone to <br />the meeting to explain the comments but I thought it was clear. The comments were, the cemetery, which <br />was resolved. The second comments dealt with other historic or archeological resources on the site. The <br />county does not have good records on archeology. The state field there was a high likelihood of finding <br />things of interest on this property because of the Eno River and the other was because of Cabe Plantation. <br />Deloris Hall is the archeologist for our area, and she felt there was a high likely hood and she recommended <br />the County request the developer conduct a Phase I Archeological for the property. It was offer the <br />opportunity to find assets and prevent bulldozing things. Her letter simply states when she can require it. <br />The state cannot require a survey. The Planning Board had previously discussed the best way to deal with <br />
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