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Association administer child care subsidy programs. The BOCC will recall that both the <br />BOCC and Social Services Board supported DSS in their bid last spring to administer the <br />Smart Start child care subsidy program as a step in eliminating the dual system in Orange <br />County. <br />3. Assign Community Housing and Land Trust a "line item appropriation" status, separate from <br />the HSAC outside agency process, since the Land Trust is a joint creation of the County and <br />Towns. Their annual grant application would still undergo rigorous review by Budget in <br />conjunction with Housing and Community Development, and final determination by the <br />BOCC in the adopted budget. Note: There may be other agencies the BOCC would like <br />County Management to address in the same or similar matter, but the Land Trust seems the <br />most obvious example. <br />4. Agencies collaborating with a County department and receiving aCounty-match would only <br />apply for outside agency funding above the amount of the match. The department, <br />facilitating the program with the outside agency, bears the responsibility for budgeting the <br />county match within its operating budget. Note: In 2008-09, these agencies were the <br />Dispute Settlement Center and Volunteers for Youth. <br />5. Re-consider HSAC recommendations from the March 2008 work session regarding the <br />referral of certain outside agency applications to different community advisory boards and <br />staff: <br />a. Refer animal and wildlife related agency applications; such as AnimalKind, Inc. and <br />Piedmont Wildlife, to the Animal Services Board/Animal Services Department for their <br />review and recommendation to the BOCC <br />b. Because of unique challenges and costs, refer mental health reform related agency <br />applications; such as KidSCope and Club Nova, Inc. to OPC Board/OPC Area Authority <br />for their review and recommendation to the BOCC. <br />c. Refer athletic/recreation related agency applications; such as Hillsborough Athletic <br />Association (HYAA) and Big Brothers/Big Sisters, to the Parks and Recreations Advisory <br />Commission/Parks and Recreation Department for their review and recommendations to <br />the BOCC. <br />d. Refer arts and cultural related agency applications; such as the Historical Foundation of <br />Hillsborough and Orange County, Historic Hillsborough Commission, and the Arts Center <br />to the Arts Commission/Economic Development Department for their review and <br />recommendations to the BOCC. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: <br />There is no fiscal impact associated with a BOCC review and discussion of the FY08-09 <br />process or changes proposed for FY09-10. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): <br />The Manager recommends the BOCC <br />1. Review and discuss the outside agency allocation process from FY08-09 <br />