Orange County NC Website
BDDK ~ PAGE 32B <br />Chairman Sennett read the eorreapondence received from the State Highway <br />Commiiasion relative to the provisions of providing a walk area along Estes <br />brine. Discussion ensued. The Clerk was directed to write the State Highway <br />Commission advising the Commission that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />did endorse the prevision that a graded out level walking area back of the curb <br />be provided along Eaten Drive in Chapel Hill. <br />Chairman Bennett read s letter of appreciation from the residents of Davis <br />s Read. I <br />I <br />Discussion ensued relative to the routing of I-!}0 and as to whether or not <br />the public hearing had bean held vn said matter. It was agreed that at least -~ <br />one member of the Board should attend the public hearing. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner William C. Ray, seconded by Commissioner Tra <br />A. Ward, it was moved and adopted, that the Clerk advise Clifton Benson, Highway <br />Commissioner, that the Orange County Board of Commissioners did endorse the <br />routing of T-(~.0 through Crange County and that they wished to be advised as to <br />the date, time and place of the proposed public hearing relative to I-L~.O. <br />Chairman Benaett recognized the County Administrator who advised the Board <br />that if they wished tv pursue the matter of a Local Salsa Tsa Election, then <br />the Board must adopt a resolution revuesting the Board of Elections to call a <br />special election. Discussion ensued as to the time required to call said <br />election and a date for said election. It was suggested that the last Tuesday <br />in February or the first Tuesday in March would provide the necessary time, if <br />said election was passed, to begin the collection of the one cant salsa tax as <br />of July 1, 1971. <br />IIpon motion of Commissioner Ira 1A. Ward, seconded by Commissioner William <br />C. Ray, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />"BE IT RESOLVED That the Board of Commissioners of Orange County <br />does, as provided by G.S. 10~-16l~..1+8, request the Orange County Board <br />of Elections to call a special election for the purpose of submitting <br />to the voters of Orange County the question of whether or not a one <br />per cent local option salsa and use tax shall be levied." <br />The County Administrator present®d a auestionaire from the Department of <br />Local Affairs relative to the establishmen£ of a State Law Library System for <br />each courthouse. It was suggested that the auestionaire be turned over to the <br />County Bar Aasaciation for recotmnendations. No further cation was taken. <br />Chairman Bennett presented a letter from the North Carolina American <br />Revolution Bicentennial Commission. Said letter requested that the County <br />appoint a County Committee who will work in conjunction with the State Committe® <br />on the Bicentennial Committee. The Clerk was instructed to send a duplicate <br />copy of the correspondence and the purposes and policies of the Commisaian along <br />with a cover letter to the League of Women Voters, the County DAR Chapter, the <br />Towns of Hillsborough, Carrboro, Chapel Hi11 and Mebane, the two Boards of <br />Eduastion, the Hillsborough Historical Commission and the Chapel Hi11 and <br />Hillsborough Historical Society. <br />The County Administrator reported that the current contract far ambulance <br />service would expire on December 37„ 1970, and that he had had no correspondence <br />from the Durham Ambulance Service. He stated that when the Ambulance committee <br />met with repreaentativea of the Town of Chapel H311 it was indicated that some <br />money, from the town, would be made available for ambulance service, however, <br />the town had requested a proposal from another ambulance operator who was <br />interested in providing service for the Southern end of the county. Mr. Gattis <br />stated that upon receipt of these proposals a joint meeting would be scheduled <br />between the Board of Commissioners and the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br />Chairman Bennett read a letter from E. II. Bane, resident of Dogwood Acres <br />Sanitary District. Said letter objected to the special tea being imposed by <br />the Sanitary Diatriat upon residents of the area. The Chairman requested the <br />County Administrator to explain how the sanitary district was created. Mr. <br />Gattis presented the legal requirements which had to be met before the district <br />was established. Chairman Bennett requested that Mr. Gattis answer Mr. Banes <br />letter. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized the County Attorney who advised the Board that <br />under G.S. 18-13 any tea paid liquor, which was confiscated by the Court, <br />automatically bsoomes the property of the County and that the Board of Commissioners _~ <br />do have the authority to dispose of the whiskey. Discussion ensued. <br />