Orange County NC Website
3 <br />summary of what it considers to be the revisions of greatest significance or substance, which <br />may be helpful to the public. <br />CONSULTANT DELIVERABLES FOLLOWING BOCC ADOPTION: <br />The County has contracted the services of Clarion Associates, Inc. to incorporate final BOCC <br />revisions into the May 6, 2008 Public Hearing Review Draft 2030 Comprehensive Plan and <br />return copies. County staff will work closely with the Consultant to ensure that the revisions, as <br />adopted by the BOCC, are accurately reflected in the document prior to printing copies. <br />Assuming BOCC adoption on November 18th, the Consultant will complete its work and return <br />copies of the Plan to the County this coming January. Although staff's review is intended to <br />eliminate any potential errors, any that may be found in the future will be brought forward <br />promptly to the BOCC and corrected. The May 6th Public Hearing Review Draft and the tables <br />of adopted revisions will remain available on the County's website until the Consultant <br />completes its work and copies of the newly adopted Plan can be made available to the public. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact associated with this item. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): Administration recommends adoption of the attached Resolution <br />(Attachment 4). <br />