Orange County NC Website
as- you -go revenue had been transferred from the General Fund, the fund balance would be less <br />than it currently stands. <br />Staff recommends the Board approve a two -year funding plan to replenish the shortfall by <br />appropriating General Fund available fund balance. <br />Based on preliminary estimates, the County's General Fund available fund balance at the end of <br />FY 2007 -08 is projected to be approximately 14.4% of expenditures or $24.7 million. If this plan <br />is implemented, based on conservative projections, the projected available fund balance at the <br />end of FY 2008 -09 could be approximately 12% of expenditures or $21.85 million. The <br />appropriation of $2.4 million in FY 2009 -10 would decrease the fund balance to 11.1 % or $21.64 <br />million. While this percentage amount is higher than the Local Government Commission <br />recommendation of a minimum 8 percent of expenditures, it is well below the County's informal <br />target of 15 percent of expenditures. <br />Staff will bring budget amendments to the Board to implement the recommended action if <br />approved by the Board. Additionally, budget amendments will be brought to the Board in those <br />cases where project expenditures have exceed the project budgets and where appropriation of <br />other identified sources, such as the transfer of the remaining School Capital Reserve Funds, is <br />necessary. <br />As best practice, local governments should only appropriate fund balance for non - recurring <br />purposes such as capital. While it is preferable to be able to achieve the fund balance goal in <br />order to meet needs in time of fiscal stress the use of the fund balance to meet non - recurring <br />priorities is understandable. It would be prudent to not let the fund balance fall below 11 % in <br />order to provide for cash flow as well as maintaining the County's excellent bond rating. Once <br />funding the shortfall is completed it will be necessary to take steps to rebuild the fund balance of <br />the General Fund. <br />As a point of reference, North Carolina counties with populations of 100,000 and above had an <br />average available fund balance of more than 19 percent at the end of FY 2006 -07. Another <br />benchmark to consider is that the average fund balance for all North Carolina counties at the <br />end of FY 2006 -07 was in excess of 21 percent. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The financial impact of the recommended action is the projected <br />reduction of the fund balance of the General Fund to as low as 11.1 % of projected FY 2009 -10 <br />expenditures. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The County Manager recommends that the Board approve the two <br />year funding plan which includes 1) Appropriating $3.5 million from the fund balance of the <br />General Fund for transfer to the School Capital Project Fund 2) Include the remaining <br />appropriation of $2.4 from the fund balance of the General Fund needed to complete the <br />correction of the shortfall in the Fiscal Year 2009 -10 budget and 3) Direct staff to take those <br />actions necessary to reallocate available funding to correct the project shortfalls. <br />