Orange County NC Website
ask them to come in and treat children. However, he cannot say that any financial backing is <br /> being received from the County. The request is for$60,000 in funding for 2008-09. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that he saw an article about El Futuro raising money to avoid <br /> the risk of closing its doors and Dr. Smith said that services may have to be cut back if the <br /> organization cannot meet its operating budget. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that Orange County does invest heavily in its citizens, and he <br /> understands the burdens that are placed on non-profits that are trying to fill the gap that the <br /> State has created in the mental health system. He said that this will be referred to staff, but <br /> the County Commissioners are probably going to be asking the departments to cut budgets <br /> again. He said that he would be happy to write a letter from the Board of County <br /> Commissioners if it would help as a fundraiser. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that it would help these people to know within the next 30 <br /> days whether the County is going to respond to the request. He is asking staff to come back <br /> with a recommendation as to which way to go. The Board agreed. <br /> Chair Jacobs said to have it back by the October 21st meeting. <br /> Chair Jacobs offered condolences to the family of Mr. Bailey, who was murdered <br /> recently. Mr. Bailey apparently had some disabilities. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. Update on Discussions/Next Steps with Orange County Rescue Squad, Inc. <br /> and Preliminary Plan/Timeline for a New Fire and Emergency Medical Services <br /> Study <br /> The Board received an update on discussions/next steps with Orange County Rescue <br /> Squad, Inc. and a preliminary plan/timeline for the County to pursue a new fire and emergency <br /> medical services study. <br /> Emergency Services Director Frank Montes de Oca said that last week the Board of <br /> County Commissioners asked staff to reengage dialogue with the Orange County Rescue <br /> Squad. This was done, and there was a very productive meeting. The meeting was yesterday <br /> morning at Orange County Emergency Services headquarters. He made reference to the <br /> handouts that he distributed to the County Commissioners. The handouts include letters as <br /> well as minutes from the meeting. Ground rules for engagement were set at the meeting. He <br /> read some of the minutes so that they could be in the record. <br /> • Meetings will be held weekly on Monday at 10:00am at ES Headquarters with flexibility <br /> allowed as needed. <br /> • Chairman Seip and Chief Matthews agree they are able to speak in each other's stead. <br /> Colonel Montes de Oca agrees Captain Woodward and Lieutenant Joseph may speak <br /> on his behalf. All concerns or problems with decisions made should be brought forward <br /> immediately. <br /> • An agenda should be established for future meetings. <br />