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College of Agriculture and Live Sciences for program development and associated activities at <br /> the WC Breeze Family Farm Extension and Research Center in Hurdle Mills, Orange County <br /> and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the concept plan that was approved in 2006 <br /> and asked if the County Commissioners approved this. Fletcher Barber said that this concept <br /> plan was presented to the university. It has not been approved in any major way whatsoever. <br /> The approval is for the resolution to proceed and not the details of the plan. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Buckhorn Village PD/SUP (Rezoning/Special Use Permit) Review <br /> The Board considered reviewing the application(s) for a rezoning and Class A Special <br /> Use Permit for the Buckhorn Village Planned Development submitted by Buckhorn Road <br /> Associates LLC on December 22, 2007 and scheduling action for October 7, 2008. <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict introduced Michael Harvey, who has been the Zoning <br /> Administrator reviewing this proposal and who will give the outline of the process and the next <br /> steps. <br /> Michael Harvey summarized the information in the abstract. The proposal is to rezone <br /> approximately 130 acres of property in the Buckhorn/I-85/I-40 interchange Economic <br /> Development District to a Planned Development designation. The ordinance requires a special <br /> use permit application. The public hearing was first held on February 25th and staff has <br /> continued to review the application. Last month the County Commissioners closed the public <br /> hearing and deliberations are set to begin. He went through the various attachments. Under <br /> Attachment 3, there is a Resolution of Rezoning Approval; Conditions of Approval; an update <br /> on where the staff, administration, and the County Attorney are working with the applicant <br /> regarding the conditions; and Special Use Permit Findings of Fact. Attachment 4 is a <br /> Statement of Inconsistency. He explained the other documents. <br /> Staff is asking for any comment or direction as the staff, administration, and the <br /> Attorney's Office begin to finalize the list of conditions recommended. The general statute in <br /> the ordinance now requires that the conditions imposed on a planned development have to be <br /> mutual. Staff is working with the applicant in order to obtain full adherence to conditions or to <br /> try and make any modifications to address concerns. The goal is to incorporate any and all <br /> recommended conditions and direction from the County Commissioners as this process is <br /> continued. The recommendation is to continue deliberation and schedule a future meeting to <br /> make a decision. <br /> The application proposes three individual development districts. District 1 is 42 acres <br /> and is intended to be a large destination retail development. District 2 is approximately 40 <br /> acres and is intended to be mixed use, and more a village promenade themed district with <br /> small shops, ground-floor retail, second-story offices, and potential condominiums or single- <br /> family residential. This district also proposes a potential location for hotel sites. District 3 is a <br /> 48-acre tract with frontage along Buckhorn and West Ten Road that has large-scale retail <br /> development proposed. He showed the three districts on a map. The concept plan delineates <br /> an area to be left in a vegetative state, consistent with the Economic Development District <br /> Design Manual of a 150-foot buffer around the Clearview subdivision. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that a number of the recommendations included items that <br /> were uniquely within the responsibility of the Board of County Commissioners to perform or <br /> carry out and they were listed as conditions. This means that if the conditions are not met, <br /> then the special use permit becomes null and void. He asked for an explanation of the <br /> conditions and if they were messages that the Planning Board wanted to send to the Board of <br /> County Commissioners. <br />