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Chair Jacobs: So I can just ask them a question? OK. Let me ask my question first <br /> of Mr. Harvey. The same page, 38, you had mentioned at the public hearing that this fire lane <br /> would meet the provisions of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code. Does that require that <br /> it be paved? <br /> Michael Harvey: In the condition it says "improved." <br /> Chair Jacobs: Having spoken with the Emergency Services Director who doesn't <br /> agree with that, I would like to get his comment in the record. So I would like to ask that that <br /> be included. I'm just characterizing his statement. He may not still hold that opinion. But, <br /> before we make that a condition, I'd like to get some clarification. <br /> Michael Harvey: No problem. <br /> Chair Jacobs: At this point, that was actually my only question. I assume that the <br /> applicant has some comments. <br /> Steve Yuhasz: I am the attorney for the Montessori Farm School and represent the <br /> applicant here. I have been sworn. We're very pleased that the Planning Board <br /> recommended approval of this Special Use Permit, and we believe that this school will be an <br /> asset to the community. It's already an asset to the community in its current location, but <br /> needs to be in a rural area in order to complete its mission to be the Montessori Farm School. <br /> We think that this location is an ideal location for this particular use. We agree with all of the <br /> conditions that have been put on this recommendation. The conditions are all there to try to <br /> meet some of the concerns that the community has expressed. I think that it's not unusual for <br /> a community to be concerned that there are changes occurring. This kind of community <br /> school is one of the changes that is anticipated for this kind of neighborhood within the Orange <br /> County Zoning Regulations, and that's why it is allowed as a special use permit when certain <br /> conditions are met. We believe that we have met all of those conditions, and I think the <br /> Planning Board, with its recommendation, agrees that we have met those conditions. So I <br /> don't have a whole lot more to say. I would like to try to answer Commissioner Gordon's <br /> question as far as the Caldwell Fire Department, and that is that....and it should be reflected in <br /> the Planning Board minutes that I did have a conversation with Fire Chief Andy Gates <br /> specifically about the capacity of the pond and he and I agree that we would work together to <br /> ensure that the pond had sufficient capacity to serve the fire protection needs of the school. <br /> The other question had to do with the scale and the type of buildings, and I think that green <br /> building is one aspect of it. I think it is the desire of the school to maintain a country <br /> atmosphere, a farm-like atmosphere, and we think that these kinds of buildings will help to <br /> maintain that. And also the scale of them is fairly low, so that we expect that the buildings, <br /> other than potentially a little bit of the barn and the top of the administration building, but we <br /> expect that all classroom buildings will be invisible from Terry Road. We expect that the buffer <br /> that will be planted or that will be allowed to continue to grow on each of the sides of the <br /> property will essentially mask those buildings from even the adjoining properties. So, we <br /> expect that there will be very little visual disturbance of the adjoining property by this school. <br /> I'd be happy to answer any questions that anyone has. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Ms. Boyarsky: I'm sure I'm going to say things that you all have heard before, but I <br /> really feel compelled to say them. I've lived on Terry Road for more than 30 years, and I've <br /> watched our community grow over that time. I've watched new homes be built, I've watched all <br /> those homes be built on large acreage, not just half-acre plots, but two, and three, and five, to <br /> 70 acres a plot. I've seen the homes be built, not just 30 feet off the road, but 50 and 100 feet <br /> off the road. With 30 feet of buffer, you can still see through the trees, you can still see what's <br />