Orange County NC Website
BGGK ~ PAGE 3~$ <br />The Board agreed to meet with Quentin Patterson and representatives of <br />the Soil Conservation Service on Monday, November 9, 1970, at B P.M. for the <br />purpose of discussing the Seven Mile Creek water project. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Walker, <br />Chairman Smith was authorized to sign the following Blind Aid Agenda: <br />AID TO TH$ BLIND. AGENDA <br />November 2, 1970 <br />NAME EN'F'. DATE AMOUNT <br />_ NEW <br />Nannie W. Baker 11/1/70 126.00 <br />Samuel Clyde Sduirea 11/1/70 DO <br />RTsS-ISI ONS <br />Nellie. Cates Moors 12/1/70 3I} - !}0 <br />Sulia N. Allred 12/1/70 1!}8 to 1.LF6 <br />REASON <br />inauffiaient income <br />income eaceeda needs <br />incl. allowance for debts and <br />medical transportation <br />decrease cost in dry cleaning <br />sAME <br />Robert Banks Hobby 12/1/7D 197 same <br />Matilda Pickett 12/1/70 199 same <br />Commissioner Bennett reported that no satian had been taken by the Ambulance <br />Service committee which was vamoosed oP two Commissioners and two Town Aldermen. <br />Chairman Smith stated that the Town oP Chapel Hill would provide same funds <br />towards the ambulance service coat, however, it was his understanding that <br />Chapel Rill Funeral Home might b® interested in rendering ambulance service <br />to the Southern end of the County. Further discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Bennett-inquired as to what disposition had been made of <br />the tax value request concerning a non conforming lot which wsa located at Clayton <br />and Arboretur,~-Road,, and which was used as a playground in the Coker H311a <br />area. The County Administrator advised the Board that this matter had been <br />placed on the agenda for the Board of Equalization and Review and that the <br />Board aY Commisaienera had na authority to reduce the current tax value. That <br />said reaueat could only be considered at the duly established time for review <br />of tax matters. ' <br />The matter of a Building Code was brought before the Board. The County <br />Administrator stated that the County Planning Board had suggested that the matter <br />be discussed with the Board of Commissioners. The Board requested the County <br />Administrator sad the County Attorney to shock the statutes relative to the <br />enforcement of a building soda. . <br />Commissioner Bennett reported that Robert Peck had contacted him about the <br />possibility of purchasing a joint land Pill area which could be utilized by the <br />University, the Town of Chapel Hill and the County. Commissioner Bennett pointed <br />out that the town currently owns equipment which could be used in the operation <br />of said sanitary land fill area. It wsa agreed that the Board should solicit <br />the cooperation of Dr. Garvin who has expressed an interest in said protect. <br />The County Administrator presented two requests from the State Hi hway <br />Department relative to the abandonment of 0.5 miles of SR 1§80 and 1.1~ miles of <br />SR 1193. Diavusaion ensued relative to the recueat for abandonment. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, aecanded by Commissioner Sennett, the <br />County Attorney wsa instructed to draw the necessary petition and proceed with <br />the legal requirements ter the abandonment request. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ward, aecanded by Commissioner Ray, the <br />Clerk wsa instructed to forward the road petition of Rangewood Development to <br />the State Highway Commission. <br />