Orange County NC Website
rates will have on consumption (and therefore, revenue). The increased rates may tend to <br />function as a "conservation rate" due to the financial impact of the higher rates. <br />Finally, please find attached a draft letter to customers notifying them of the public hearing of <br />the new rate schedule (Attachment 6). The letter also gives a brief explanation of the need for <br />increased rates. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Potentially tens of thousands of dollars could be saved in the General <br />Fund by rescinding the County's subsidy of sewer rates for the Efland sewer system. <br />Additionally, raising the rates as specified in Attachment 2 by the January 2009 billing cycle <br />provides a means of balancing the operating budget for the Efland sewer system. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board 1) approve the proposed rate <br />schedule developed by staff and depicted on Attachment 2; and 2) schedule a public hearing <br />for the November 18, 2008 regular Board meeting on the new proposed rate schedule. <br />