Orange County NC Website
b. Use of the do in the business of cultivatine aericultural <br />products if the restrainine is reasonably necessary for the <br />safety of the doe or <br />c. Use of the doe in lawful huntine activities if the restraint is <br />reasonably necessary for the safety of the dog or <br />d Use of the doh at doe trainine or performance events <br />including but not limited to field trials and obedience trials <br />where tetherine does not occur for a period exceedine <br />(iil After takine possession of a doe that appears to be a stray doe and <br />after havine advised animal control authorities of the capture of the <br />do ,tether and restrain the doe in accordance with the provisions <br />of Section XI(Kl for a period•not to exceed seven (71 days as the <br />person havine taken possession of the doe is seekine the identity of <br />the owner of the doe. <br />(iiil Walk a doe with_a handheld leash. <br />L. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep a doe outdoors in an enclosure <br />includine a pen. run, kennel. fence, or electronically controlled containment device or <br />other outdoor enclosure in violation of this subsection. <br />1. Outdoor enclosures containine dogs must meet or exceed the <br />followine dimensional requirements: <br />Size of Doe Required Minimum Enclosure Area <br />1-35 Pounds 80 Square Feet <br />36-75 Pounds 100 Sauare Feet <br />76 Pounds and ereater 120 Sauare Feet <br />All outdoor enclosures must be of sufficient heieht so that the tallest doe contained <br />within the enclosure is able to walk naturally without its head reaching the roof or ton of <br />said enclosure. however the heieht of any such enclosure shall not be included for the <br />purposes of determinin the required minimum enclosure area The provisions of this <br />Section XI(Ll shall not apply to any Person who held a valid permit to operate a Class I <br />Kennel or Class II Kennel from Oranee County on or before January 1.2008 for so lone <br />as such permit remains in full force and effect without lapse or revocation All Persons <br />