Orange County NC Website
BOG'S ~ PACE 3~~ MINTFTES OF TAE ORASdGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. <br />October 5, 1970 <br />The Board of Cammiaeionera of Orange County met in adjourned session at 8 <br />o~clock P.M, on Monday, Ootober 5, 1970, in the Courtroom at the Courthouse in <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina with the County Planning Board. <br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith and Commissioners William C. Ray, <br />Harvey D. Bennett, Henry S. Walker and Ira A. Ward. <br />Members Absent: None. <br />This meeting was held Por the purpose of aonduating a public hearing in -" <br />conjunction with the County Planning Board. <br />Chairman Carl Smith called the meeting to order and then turned the chair over <br />to Charlie Jahnaton, Chairman of the County Planning Board. Mr. Johnston proceeded <br />tv conduct the public hearing. <br />The minutes of this public hearing will be duly recorded in the Minute Docket <br />Book of the County Planning Board. <br />At the conclusion of the public hearing Chairman Johnston turned the chair <br />back to Chairman Carl Smith. <br />Thera being no further business to coma before the public hearing said meeting <br />was adjourned. <br />Carl M. Smith, Chairman <br />S. M. Gatti s, Acting Clerk <br />MINUTF,S OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD.OF COMMISSIONERS <br />October 22, 1970 <br />The 3oard of County Commissioners of Orange County met in joint special session <br />with the Mebane Town Board of Alderman at 7:~0 P.M, on Thursday, October 22, 1970, at <br />the Arrowhead Restaurant near Mebane. <br />Members Present: Chairman Carl M. Smith and Commissioners Henry 3, Walker, <br />garvey D. Bennett and William C. Ray. <br />Members Absent: Commissioner Ira A. Ward. <br />~_~ <br />The Town of Mebane was represented by Mayor Phelps, Alderman Henderson, <br />Self, Wright and Davis. City Manager, Virgil Wilkins and City Clark, Clyde Gardner. <br />This meeting was held for the purpose of discussing the sewerage effluent <br />proposal Por Perry Hi11s Subdivision, which proposal had been made by E A A G, lac. <br />Mayor Phelps stated that the deoision of the Town of Mebane to reject the <br />sewerage effluent from this subdivision had been made on the protection of the feat <br />that 2^~.^OO gallons per day of sewerage effluent would aonawne approximately twenty-fine <br />(25~) per cent of the capacity of the city sewerage plant and that with the current <br />aommittmenta and the committments which the Tvw:~ was about to undertake it wsa the <br />feeling of the Board of Alderman that the Town could not.aerviae the Perry Hills <br />Subdivision and still retain a reasonable future capacity for the city. <br />Dissuasion ensued relative to the additional water lines needed for the Center <br />Street project. The Orange County Board of Commissioners advised the Mebane Town <br />Board of Alderman that they were not in a position to make any positive committments <br />relative to the installation of this water line. ~~' <br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned. <br />Carl M, Smith, Chairman <br />S. M. Gatos, Acting Clerk <br />