Agenda -11-06-2008 - 3c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-06-2008
Agenda -11-06-2008 - 3c
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Last modified
11/4/2008 12:29:02 PM
Creation date
11/4/2008 12:29:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20081106
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3 <br />Public Market House and Stillhouse Creek <br />319-Water Quality Grant: <br />Storm Water Best Management Practices ~ Public Education Site <br />The Public Market House is now open to public use, making it an ideal location to educate the <br />public on the benefits of the stream restoration project, Stillhouse Creek, completed in May of <br />2006. The stream restoration project has been very successful; eliminating the erosion, filtering <br />the storm water flowing through the creek, increasing the aquatic and wildlife habitat and <br />improving water quality before it reaches the Eno River. Gail Hughes, Soil Conservationist, with <br />the Soil and Water Conservation District applied for and received a 319 Water Quality Grant to <br />plan, install, and demonstrate best management practices used to reduce and slow storm water <br />run off from impervious surfaces, improve water quality, and educate the public on the benefits of <br />these practices. <br />The Orange Soil and Water Conservation District planned, designed and installed the following <br />best management practices at the Public Market House and Stillhouse Creek; <br />• Rain barrels to collect the "first flush" of storm water from the roof of the Public Market, <br />then to be used to irrigate the landscape plants around the Market perimeter; <br />• A rain garden to collect and treat run off water from the roof, the overflow from the rain <br />barrels, and parking lot area of the Public Market before it enters the conservation <br />easement and stream restoration site; <br />• Fence around the stream restoration site, to protect the vegetated stream buffer, from <br />heavy pedestrian traffic and mowers; <br />• A Pet waste receptacle provides citizens with a location to deposit pet waste at the <br />Public Market and along the walking trail that borders the Eno River and crosses <br />Stillhouse Creek; <br />• An educational kiosk to provide educational information about the storm water <br />management practices that are on site and the benefits of a stream restoration project. <br />(An aerial image is attached with all of the practices marked.) <br />The Orange Soil and Water Conservation District staff partnered with several agencies and <br />groups to accomplish this project. These partners include: <br />• Terry Hackett, Orange County Planning Dept., Storm water Resource officer: assisted <br />with design and installation of the rain garden, rain barrels, and educational sign <br />information; <br />• Town of Hillsborough, Planning Dept: permits and Hillsborough Historic District <br />Commission presentations; <br />• Town of Hillsborough, Public Works Dept.: use of backhoe and staff to excavate and <br />help with installation of the rain garden, provided gravel for back fill, and removal of spoil <br />material (in-kind donation); <br />• Orange High School FFA club: youth built the educational kiosk as a community <br />service project and assisted with educational information (in-kind donation); <br />• Orange County Recreation and Parks Dept.: provided information about future park <br />and trails, design/plans for educational sign and fencing; <br />• Orange County Environment and Resource Conservation Dept: provided assistance <br />with location of conservation easement property boundaries (in kind service) <br />• Boy Scout troupe #438: local boy scout group has "adopted the stream", picking up <br />trash, identifying wildlife and aquatic monitoring, identifying wildlife plants and invasive <br />species to target for eradication, and provide information for the educational sign. <br />The grant funding has made it possible for the Orange Soil and Water Conservation District to <br />provide the public with: <br />• a demonstration site for the public to see and understand how and why rain barrels, rain <br />gardens, and pet waste receptacles are important to the environment in urban sites; <br />
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