Orange County NC Website
Proposed Amendments to the Joint Planning Agreement Concerning <br />Review Time Limits <br />The Joint Planning Agreement addresses intergovernmental review of proposed <br />ordinance amendments in the Transition Areas and Rural Buffer and establishes time <br />frames for review to occur. Review times vary from ten (10) days (with the concurrence <br />of the Orange County Manager) to thirty (30) days. Proposed amendments to the Joint <br />Planning Agreement would establish a consistent time of sixty (60) days throughout. <br />Proposed text revisions affecting review times are printed below with text proposed for <br />deletion shown in str-ileethfeugh and that for addition in bold underline. <br />Section 2.6 Teat and Map Amendments <br />A. Proposed amendments to the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and/or the Joint <br />Planning Area Land Use Map may be initiated by (i) Orange County or (ii) the Towns <br />or any other party by filing a request for such an amendment with Orange County. <br />Any petition or request to amend the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan received by <br />the County shall be referred to the respective Towns. No such amendment may <br />become effective until after it has been adopted by Orange County, Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro following a joint public hearing by all three governing bodies. <br />B. Except as provided herein, proposed amendments to the text of the Orange County <br />Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances that are applicable within the Rural Buffer as <br />well as proposed changes in zoning district classifications (i.e., zoning map changes) <br />that affect property within the Rural Buffer shall be initiated and adopted in <br />accordance with the procedures set forth in those County ordinances. All such <br />proposals that affect the CHJDA shall be referred to Chapel Hill for review and <br />recommendation, and all such proposed amendments that affect the CJDA shall be <br />referred to Carrboro for review and recommendation. Orange County may not adopt <br />such proposed amendments until the respective Towns have made their <br />