Orange County NC Website
58 <br />4.1.2 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance may be reduced as set forth <br />below. <br />0 Minimum fot area requirements may be reduced by sixty-five percent (65%) of <br />the minimum lot size permitted by the zoning district including any overlay <br />district requirements; however, minimum lot area may not be smaller than <br />40,000 square feet within a watershed protection overlay district where Pots <br />are served by individual septic systems. <br />0 Minimum lot width requirements may be reduced to 100 feet in the AR and R1 <br />Districts. Minimum lot width requirements may be reduced by 30°lo in all other <br />zoning districts. <br />0 Minimum front, rear, and side setback requirements may be reduced by <br />twenty-five percent (25%) but shall be no less than ten (10) feet. <br />0 Minimum lot frontage requirements may be reduced to twenty (20) feet for-lots <br />fronting on cul-de-sacs and "T" turnarounds. <br />0 Minimum spacing between building envelopes and the subdivision boundary <br />or off-site public street right-of--way shall be 100 feet and may be counted as <br />open space. <br />• Cluster lots shall be restricted against further subdivision through deed <br />restrictions and/or permanent conservation easements. Primary and Secondary <br />Conservation Areas shall be dedicated to Orange County, another unit of local <br />government, the State of North Carolina, a private non-profit land conservancy or <br />a homeowners association. <br />