Orange County NC Website
53 <br />AN ORDINAINACE AMENDING THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS <br />SECTION II AND SECTION IV-B-10 <br />TO CLARIFY AND ENHANCE THE FLEXIBLE DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS <br />TO MEET OBJECTIVES SPECIFIED IN SECTION IV-B-10, SUBSECTION A PURPOSE <br />THE BOARD OF GOUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE COUNTY ORDAINS: <br />Section II Definitions is amended by changing the definition of flexible development to <br />read as follows. <br />FLEXIBLE DEVELOPMENT - A subdivision in which greater flexibility and <br />design creativity is encouraged and allowed to preserve agricultural and <br />forestry lands, natural and cultural features, and rural community <br />character that might otherwise be lost through conventional development <br />approaches. At least one-third (33%) of the land within a Flexible <br />Development subdivision must be set aside as open space which may be <br />preserved through: <br />(a) An "estate lot" approach where all land is subdivided into lots three (3) <br />acres and greater in size, building lot area including setbacks are <br />established on 50% of each lot, and the land area outside such area <br />is preserved as open space provided that front and side yard setback <br />areas shall not be counted toward meeting the minimum open space <br />requirement except as specified by provisions of Article IV-B-10, <br />Section D.1; or <br />(b) A "conservation-cluster" approach where lot sizes are reduced and <br />the land saved through such reductions is preserved as open space <br />on separate lots owned and maintained through a homeowners <br />association, anon-profit land conservancy or unit of state of local <br />government; or <br />(c) A "village" or modified cluster approach where dwelling units are <br />clustered around a village green and supporting shops, and the village <br />is surrounded by open space; or <br />(d) Some combination of the above. <br />